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Everything posted by Atton_love

  1. I would definetly suggest a better romance... It was cute how Carth and Revan had the little fights like a hubby and wife, but all he did was say I love u and that was it. Have more choices and discussions and movies (I loved how in KOTOR II there were movies when you entered the Ebon Hawk, Keep doing that) And of course, when you choose your character there should be BETTER looking people to choose from. When my mother walks by and I am choosing a character she always says eww... I totally understand. A ton of them look horrible!!!! THe only GOOD looking man in Kotor II was the one with kinda long brown hair and the awesome beard!!! I am always him when I choose a man because all of the rest are so ugly
  2. THe dark side has a bad and okay side to it. SUre, emotions like love are needed in the world, love itself doesnt lead to the darkside... But what is bad about it is that they kill willingly and just for fun.. THat is disgusting to me.. But you would use the force as a gift(be its master) dont serve it. But when if you abused it, thats where it's bad...
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