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Everything posted by Stridsfordon90

  1. This is only true up-to Veteran. Later on, on PoTd most enemies ignore DoT (From armor class 10-19). Dragon Thrashed dosn't work at all. It does burn/slash damage. Most enemies has insane armor class (14+). Only chant that works is the first one you get at level 1 that does raw damage.
  2. There are plenty. Game is balanced to Veteran. After that point, most enemies that has 12+armor class is more or less immune to DoT's. Dragon Thrashed just works on enemies below up to 9-10 armor class. Anytning above it's just "No pen" and zero damage. Raw damage is the only "dot" that works after that.
  3. Best tank is kinda moot by definition. I guess, one that can take most damage without dying? This is my third last play-through on solo potd 2.0 where you cant recruit, flee from combat. In solo mode I found str to be quite useless. It dosn't really matter from my experience what class you run since all classes can wear all armor. Especially with the abraham pet where the heavy armor penalty is reduced alot. This guy just don't die. This example is a herald with 21-23 resolve, 20 con, 18 int and 8str, 8dex, 8 perception ( with items, there is no beraths blessings avaliable) Items like ring of solitary wonderer is acheivable by just buying some perception items, maybe buy a drug or sleep with the old hag in dunnage. Fight starts with queue actions (brand enemy on everything, chant: come come, swift of death (raw damage ingores armor) does same damge vs lv1 enemy as lv 25 enemy). Character just stands there and let summons grind the rest. Most enemies just die from brand enemy+chant aura (ticks for about 7 damage per second when speeded up). With Scadu Scalth shield (From old city) you get deflection from athletics and % damage reduction from metaphysics. So he kinda gets into an iron turtle.
  4. This is probably a huge bug. Fampyr's dosn't chase you around the corner towards the entrance. Just sneak, cast Brand Enmy and run back towards the entrance. There you will stand getting permanently mind-controlled, but it's ok. The DoT last forever. Wait about 2minutes real life time, then walk back to the Fampyr's and repeat the process. https://imgur.com/a/T4vl1Po
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