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Everything posted by LaserRaptor

  1. things i don't understand about this post: 1. there never was a point in heavy armor in potd to begin with because enemy penetration was so low you could get decent protection from a superb/exceptional medium armor. by about half-way through the game in both my potd runs, half my party was in cloth, and my melee was a mix between medium and light and damage was rarely ever a problem. 2. shortly after the 1.1 landed, i resumed my (almost complete) potd run, and really didn't see how some weapons got screwed. my great sword wielder did run into some enemies where she could only do 25% damage, but it's not like all of a sudden she was underpenetrating everything. if anything, this makes the various stuff that grants you penetration actually important, and piercing-only-no-bonus-pen weapons like the pistol or hunting bow interestingly situational (whereas before you could just brute force the hunting bow). 4. you do realize spells are also impacted by penetration/armor mechanics? 5. PotD is supposed to be hard. If you want to roflstomp enemies, go play a lower difficulty. 1) My point was: there is no benefit from heavy armor at all now. If you think that heavy armor was not the optimal choice even in the previous patch, well, maybe you are right. But there is a difference between 'not optimal' and 'completely useless'; 2) It's like we are playing different games. In the game that I play enemies have got 14 armor against slashing/piercing attacks wearing exceptional armor, while my superb sword's got 9 penetration. The weapon with low penetration was already situational, but with this +2 armor bonus it's changed from situatoinal to 'never used'; 4) It does not matter for mages that much. 5) I did not claim that PotD is too hard now, read carefully. The need to switch between different types of weapons all the time does not make the game harder, only less enjoyable. PotD had to be fixed, but not like that.
  2. I am quite disappointed with the way of how PotD's got changed. Enemies have got +2 armor/penetration bonuses for difficulty level and it's huge. 1) there is no point in heavy armor anymore since your enemies will always have enough penetration to deal full damage; 2) weapon like Pistol, Hunting Bow, Blunderbuss etc. is completely useless now for the obvious reason; 3) most of the summoned weapon is useless (I mean, even more useless now than it used to be); 4) bye story companions, hello 5 mage parties (at least you won't have to worry about penetration that much); 5) every encounter is problematic now, since enemies always have superior stats. You think you are so cool in your legendary equipment, Herald of Berath? Those xaurips don't think so! It's not that PotD too hard now. Just the way you have fixed difficulty level is the cheapest and the most stupid.
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