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Everything posted by rodyan

  1. Hey there fellow adventurers, I have a solution for your problem, you may not like it but it is indeed a solution. It goes like this. First thing you have to do is open the console, type iroll20s and enable cheating. Warning: Enabling cheating will disable the achievements for your game, so think twice. Once you activate cheating, press F11, that will bring the teleportation screen, there is a search bar there. Type Ukaizo, and look for this: "AR_1204_Ukaizo_Guardian (Ukaizo Harbor). If you click on that, you will be teleported to the Ukaizo Harbor, cutscene will start and story will continue. So that is it. Do it, finish your game. You won't regret Enjoy!
  2. Hi folks, So here we are again. With the release of huge 2.0 update, i was hoping that they can change and fix some stuff but no. There is this massive, game breaking, game killing bug and it is still there, killing my game. It's called The Coming Storm. This "The Coming Storm" quest does not start/advance when it should. It has to appear in my quest journal but it does not. Somehow, my game directly jumps to "The City Lost to Time" aka the final quest before the end game. This final quest "The City Lost to Time" tells me to go to Ukaio and i have done that in almost everyway possible. I've finished Principi / Huana / Royal Deadfire Company quest lines. All of it. I've tried to reach there by myself. Nothing changed. What happens is i reach Ukaizo but i can't enter the zone, can't click. The game just stops there. There is nothing you can do. Nothing. There is still Vailian Trading Company quests, yes i know, i can try that too but honestly i don't have patience anymore. I mean i would've understand if developpers or community managers told me that we are working towards that end, we are trying to fix it. Maybe next month, or in three months we'll definetely release a hotfix, but no. I wrote about this huge bug before and in response i've been asked to send my savegame files, dxdiag and other stuff. I've delivered everything and since then, there is silence. Nothing changed. I've paid for this incomplete product and i regret. Once i was thinking so highly for Obsidian but not anymore. Sorry but this is just sloppy, unfinished business. After 2.0 release and a DLC, this game is still unplayable for some people and the worst part is they ignore, they don't say anything about it nor do. Just sadness.
  3. To be clear, it's not only Principi, Huana is bugged too.
  4. So i read patch notes and actually downloaded it and played a little bit. Apparently nothing changed about The Coming Storm, or A Dance with Death quests. Actually i played all Huana quest line too and it's also bugged as hell. The end game sequence just does not start. My quest journal does not update itself. They are releasing a 2.0 patch and a DLC. And nothing has changed. The game is still bugged as hell. I have no words to describe how i am feeling.
  5. Yeah so, after the release of their new patch, the issue is keep being the issue. It is not fixed. I finished both Huana, and Principi quest lines and my game keeps jumping to "The City Lost to Time" quest, instead of "The Coming Storm". That means the game is broken. Dead end bug. If you are not getting "The Coming Storm" that means you can't enter Ukaizo. That means this game does not deserve your money. End of story. They say they are on the issue. When? It's been two months, when they will release a patch or hotfix? When?
  6. Yeah, the frustration is real. They've asked for my save games and provided. The community manager who contacted me said that they are working on it :/
  7. Hopefully, i provided those stuff you've asked from me. If you need additional stuff just write to me.
  8. Hello everyone, I am suffering deeply because my game is eternally stuck, because of "The Coming Storm" quest. Long story short, i've sided wtih the Principi first and sided with them, so i've thought the problem was their quest line (Principi Faction) but now, i am not so sure, because recently, i've finished Huana quest line too and sided with them. Guess what, nothing changed. My quest line jumped "The City Lost to Time" right away. Somehow my game skips "The Coming Storm". For some reason, i can't get this quest and as a result i can't enter Ukaizo, yes i can sail there but can't click. I do not know is there a possible way of fixing this. I don't know if i'm doing some stupid mistake or is this a grave bug. If anyone else suffering from this issue, please share your thoughts and experience. It would greatly soothe my pain
  9. I just tried. It is still bugged. It is still unplayable. After a month. This game is still unplayable. I have no words to describe how i am feeling right now. I had respect for Obsidian and it's completely vanished with the release of this game, and this patch. After a month, you are releasing a huge patch and yet, one factions quest line is completely unplayable. Seriously Obsidian, WTF!?
  10. Thanks for the reply. I am suffering badly from the issue so if it is necessary i am ready to provide with savegames, screenshots or whatever is necessary. Cheers.
  11. I have multiple saves, one of them is just before speaking the oath for the ghostship. So i loaded that one. Acquired the ship and sailed to dunnage to speak with Aeldys. Did that and the result is weird. She gives me "The City Lost to Time" skips "The Coming Storm" and "A Dance with Death" is still there, incomplete. So i tried to go Kahanga Palace before Dunnage. It replayed the scene again but no extension. Aeldys is still there but i can't speak to her. She just stands there. So i don't know, am i doing something wrong KennyK? I mean i feel like we are close to a solution here, so please help
  12. @KennyK, did not work for me. Just like you said, first i sailed to Dunnage, to speak with Captail Aeldys, after doing that i came back to Kahanga Palace. Just like you said that earlier waking up scene replayed but did not extend. Aeldys was there though. But i couldn't talk to her. She was just standing there. No possible interaction. Thanks for trying to help but i really dont know what to do. Its frustrating.
  13. I suspect the problem is "the coming storm" quest. If you go with the principi, you don't get it and it kinda prevents you from advancing further. I don't know, I may be completely wrong but I didn't get that damned quest and I am stuck. Somehow I skipped that one and jumped directly to "the city lost to time". I don't know how but I suspect it has something to do with principi quest line. If we can somehow find quest id's maybe then we can advance the quest by using console commands. I looked for them but so far I couldn't find them.
  14. @giftmefood, i've done that. i've seen the ship and i've arrived there. Nothing happened. I think the problem is i am missing a main quest "The Coming Storm" in my quest line. Somehow, for some reason, i don't have that quest in my journal. My game just advanced to "The City Lost to Time" and i think it is the problem.
  15. @Xenogenesis, good luck but i don't know. It seems beyond salvation at this point
  16. @Aarik, i've sent you a link where you can find my savefile and other stuff. Thank you for responding.
  17. Same thing happened to me, can't trigger The Coming Storm quest. Is there a way to do it?
  18. If i can somehow find a quest id list, then maybe i can try to advance my self but so far i couldn't manage.
  19. Yeah i know the scene you mentioned. It doesn't play out. When i go there, sail inside the storm or go one of the fringes, nothing happens. I think it's about The Coming Storm quest, i somehow didn't get it and that fuks up my game.
  20. I just tried killing everyone. Doesn't work. Game is completely fukked up atm.
  21. Nope, it may be a good idea actually. Let me try to kill Captain Aeldys, real quick. I'll post the results
  22. I tried that, with my fully uprgraded junk ship. Nothing happens. I can go, said to Ukaizo but can't enter the zone. Can't click. Nothing happens. At this point, there is nothing to do i guess. My game is stuck. And i'm afraid it needs more than a hotfix to save this. For some reason i did not get "The Coming Storm" quest, and "A Dance with Death" is just stuck. Doesn't advance. I go to Captain Aeldys and she is just repeating the same lines, over and over again. Frustration over 9000.
  23. This is not about the achievement Depili, i can't finish the game. The Coming Storm, and A Dance With Death quests are somehow messy. Game does not advance. I can go to Ukaizo yes, but can't enter the zone, so nothing happens. It's stuck.
  24. Yeah, i know how you feel exactly. I want to side with principi and see the ending of the game but just can't. It's huge let-down, and you know, when they delayed the game, they've said that they are doing it for some extra polishing. I mean, this is beyond polishing. This is a huge game breaking bug, and they should have solved that before the release. Anyways, all we can do is wait for a hotfix i guess, or i don't know, maybe our game is completely broken because we've sided with principi.
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