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About Elderagp

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. How do I do a print screen also it seema to be working fine must have been a problem with the previous patch
  2. while the hot fix helped with ai settings it did not fix target prority some of them cant be selected and others will be reverted to none please fix
  3. to clarify you can change abilitys (at least on some of my charecter made pre 1.2) but the only condition I can choose is always true. makes creating custom ai's impossible
  4. happens on the steam version as well not a big deal but rather annoying
  5. I did a reinstall the ai menu still doesnt work very annoying
  6. why does everyone dump resolve ? I get this is a ranged build but ccs will be devastating on your charecter I would lower it to no more then 6-8
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