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Everything posted by Pyrofox

  1. Ryngrim's Enervating Terror is the best CC in the game unless I'm missing something truly absurd. Good sized AOE, terrify, long duration, bonus weaken for no reason. Until you get your late game spells and just murder things by looking at them, it'll carry you.
  2. Some thoughts on Wizards: Ryngrim's Enervating Terror is completely broken, a good sized AOE terrify with bonus weaken with a base duration of 20 seconds. It alone trivialises most encounters. The weaken could be removed, the duration could be halved, the AOE could be decreased, it could be nerfed in two out of three of those ways and it would still be great, that's how busted this spell is. Easily the best CC in the game unless I'm missing something truly absurd. Wall spells need to break stealth, at the moment they're a free cast that gathers a group of enemies for a nuke or a terror. Combine that with the fact you can cast a wall spell directly on an enemy and they won't move out of it makes them very broken, and higher level wall spells are no joke. Llengrath's Safeguard needs to be combat only, it's a massive defensive buff with a base duration of 60 seconds that you can set up before fights for free. Substantial Phantom has no spells of its own to cast, maybe that's a bug specific to me? Needs to be fixed either way.
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