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About Tinman200

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    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. That status effect (the one when the cipher becomes "ascended") is a unique status and doesn't have a check in the conditionals page, but that would be a much easier way to make a mod for that condition.
  2. They are RAW values, not percentages, and on top of that, new ones don't open up as you level up, so if you're around level 10-12 and your max focus is around 140-160, then the highest limit you can set via the behaviors is still just 90, which means that in it's current state you have to 100% micromanage all of your ascended's abilities. My biggest problem with this is how easy it would be to implement, so I can't fathom why it wasn't just in the base game. However, if the rest of the new options (being able to swap weapons, use items, etc) allow me to completely stop micromanaging the REST of my team, I might be okay only having to micromanage the one character. However, I will reiterate, it would be incredibly easy to implement, and so it should be added in ASAP. It seems more like an oversight than anything else. Also, thank you very much for the screenshot and info.
  3. I still just want to know if the behaviors for ascended ciphers got added. :/ (those being conditions for focus being full)
  4. Before I reinstall the game I wanted to ask if this patch added a behavior condition so that your Ascended Cipher would not use certain abilities until "Focus=Full"? That was my biggest issue with the game, honestly. It might seem small, but for some reason it irked me enough to put a hold on playing the game until either a patch or mod fixed that issue.
  5. UPDATE: It does seem like a lot of the options have been fixed in the latest (June 1st) update, but I'm not sure about ascended focus level.
  6. Not a bad point at all. More than anything I had a problem with this, because it literally makes it impossible to have an Ascended Cipher controlled by the AI. He had to be completely micromanaged, and while I don't mind managing my AOEs, item usage and auto attacks, having to manage an entire character because of a single missing and easily added ability really bugs me. I think that there's a lot of ways to improve the system as a whole, but I'd settle for the system actually working for all classes and sub-classes in the base game. It seems more like an oversight than anything else.
  7. --Additional option, ability to used items under certain conditions.
  8. Slight edit: The bug regarding allies in melee range of an enemy may not exist, it may just be that allies ALWAYS refers to YOUR allies, and I should have set it up to say enemies in melee range of the target, I'll test that, but the rest of the post should be misunderstanding-free.
  9. The behavior editor is extremely exciting and I'm having a lot of fun tinkering with the various options. As a lover of RPGs but an avid avoider of RTS games, being able to set up autonomy within my party is a godsend and I'm loving it. However it seems like it's lacking some fundamental pieces, and some pieces don't seem to work as intended. --For example, the Ascended Cipher doesn't want to use his cipher powers until he is at max focus, but there is no conditional in the behavior editor "Self: Focus is Full," which means you either don't let the AI handle ANY cipher abilities and just micromanage any ascended character, or you suck it up and get less value out of your character. --There's no option to swap weapons under certain conditions, so I can't have a character automatically swap to a melee weapon set when engaged, or to cycle through dual pistol sets to negate the reload. I understand the latter would be more difficult but the former should have been an option from day 1. --The conditionals for an enemy having >1(more than 1) or >0(more than 0) allies in melee range seems to be broken, or at least bugged, because often times that condition seems to be ignored. Additionally, and option for <1(less than 1) would be nice, so that it's simpler to set up AOE with the NOT clause, so that things like Mind Blast won't be used on an isolated enemy. As it stands now you have to jump through a hoop or two to create that behavior, but that's really only a minor gripe (though again, even the roundabout method seems bugged). --For some reason conditionals like "self: has at least (X) guile" are missing options. Guile, for example, doesn't half an option for 4, it goes from 3 to 5. This isn't a huge issue but it also seems like it would have been really simple to add. --A drop down menu for the conditionals UI would be really nice. For example, every Self, Target, and Ally conditional would have it's own drop down menu to make navigating simpler. --Conditions for different numbers of party members (or certain party members by name or by class, such as "if Eder" or "If Fighter") being unconscious, or affected by certain afflictions. While I understand this would make things cluttered, that would be solved by the drop down menus I mentioned. The issue here being that my priest will often waste her mass revive ability on a single ally and then not have it when 2 more people get downed 5 seconds later. Similarly she will waste a cleansing effect one 1 ally with a single affliction and then 5 seconds later the whole party gets hit with 2 afflictions apiece. --A few niche conditions would be helpful. These are not overly necessary as, like I said, niche at best, some would only be used to trigger actions that don't exist yet (though I have suggested them in this post) and some of these have similar effects that can be accomplished through other behavior settings to slightly less effect. However these would be convenient to have. These would be (but not limited to): -If Target's armor is greater than self's penetration (used to trigger weapon swap, certain afflictions, and certain inspirations) -If Self needs to reload (used to trigger weapons swaps, full attacks or other abilities that automatically reload your weapon) --Finally, Being able to toggle stances is another thing that I feel is a must, as fighters often want to toggle through their stances 2 or 3 times in a single fight Does anyone have anything else they feel needs to be added, or feel that any of these are useless or can already be accomplished and I've simply missed how to do so?
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