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Everything posted by cibetronic

  1. Attached are items files. Unfortunately most items are not that great. So I add effects using Unity mod. Those items that I used, in the file I put at the top. My main and companions all use the same items and effects. The items I found in the game are complete. I had to type every one of them and that takes time from actually playing the game. There's no left out because the game use a standard naming convention. Other items like Arquebus, Brigandine, I had not done the listing bcos I do not use them and I don't intend/plan to find and list them here. I only use Sword and Bow. My characters rely heavily on spells. Instructions In the C:\Program Files (x86)\Pillars of Eternity 2\PillarsOfEternityII_Data create a folder called data and in that folder create another folder called batchfiles. Put all the text files there. Load your save game, press ~ and enter "exec filename.txt" and press enter. The filename is the files I attached here. The item effects is in effects.txt for references. Not completed. Item keywords are below: Amulet Armor Arquebus Axe Breastplate Blade Blunderbuss Range Brigandine Bow Cape Casque Club Cloak Cludgel Crossbow Cuirass Dagger Estoc Flail Gauntlets Hammer Mace Mask Morning Star Necklace Pistol Pollaxe Quarterstaff Rapier Ring Robe Rod Sabre Scepter Shield Bulwark Large Shield Spear Stiletto Sword Wand neck.txt armor.txt bows.txt belts.txt hands.txt capes-cloaks.txt boots.txt rings.txt Effects.txt
  2. Map locations names are not only one. Eg. AR_0710_xxx or Store_CityMap_xxx. TeleportAvailablePartyToLocation do not work. Your party disappears from your view. Try this TeleportPartyToLocation AR_0710_Temple_Magran_Tomb. Save your game first. To list type GetObjectsByGuid AR_ or GetObjectsByGuid Store_CityMap_ and you'd see those names.
  3. The mod link called unity Console is https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/2 At right side, click Manual to download. Follow instructions to install. A bit confusing though.
  4. Here's the attached code list for attributes, skills and spells for the main character. You need edit the files to change my name to yours. Except for the ship files. The ship I found are all that is. Eg anchor has only 2. You won't find extra. Instructions In the C:\Program Files (x86)\Pillars of Eternity 2\PillarsOfEternityII_Data create a folder called data and in that folder create another folder called batchfiles. Put all the text files there. Load your save game, press ~ and enter "exec filename.txt" and press enter. The filename is the files I attached here. Check your main char and/or your ship stats. Codes from other people that I have tested and worked GivePlayerMoney #: Gives you the specified amount of money. God: Turns God mode on and off. ToggleSpellLimit: characters to cast spells without any limit. UnlockBestiary: Gives you all entries in your bestiary FindCharacter Eder companion_eder(clone) FreeRecipesToggle: Allows you to craft any recipe without the ingredients. Codes that I had searched thru the ingame, tested and working UnlimitedMoney Fog (Remove fog map but not worldmap) KillAllEnemies (looting maybe empty) ManageParty NoShipDamage 1 (applies to enemy too) RefillShipSupplies (for ship) RemoveAllInjuries (for crew ship) GiveSailorTales amount (adds to existing amount ) Not tested yet LevelUpSoulBind owner item LevelUpSoulBindObject item OpenCrewRecruitment RecruitCrewMember TeleportAvailablePartyToLocation objectguild TeleportPartyToLocation objectguild attributes.txt skills.txt spells.txt ship_cannons.txt ship_flags.txt ship_others.txt ship_sails.txt ship_triumph.txt
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