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Everything posted by TJM5

  1. Does anyone know how to make Berath's Blessings free? I want to make all blessings free, does anyone know how to make this happen? Normally the Gameplay Tweaks mod on the Nexus does this but the author has hidden the mod.
  2. Is there any way to add the new blessings to a save file? Or can we only use them on a new save?
  3. It seems character respecs makes you lose any skill boosts you have received from trainers, and there doesn't appear to be any options to get them back through training again. Is this how it's intended to work or is this a bug?
  4. It seems character respecs makes you lose any skill boosts you have received from trainers, and there doesn't appear to be any options to get them back through training again. Is this how it's intended to work or is this a bug?
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