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Everything posted by jevo30

  1. hi,can you please explain how you did it? i cant find the right info to change.
  2. this is very important "GameDataObjects": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.CharacterLevelScalingTableGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "CL-DefaultScalingRules", "ID": "311137d5-67c2-40ec-b21a-cf8dbd64ae1f", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.CharacterLevelScalingTableComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "ExpectedCharacterLevelAdjustments": [{ "ExpectedDifferenceMin": -50, "ExpectedDifferenceMax": -2, "AdjustedLevelAmount": -1 }, { "ExpectedDifferenceMin": -1, "ExpectedDifferenceMax": 1, "AdjustedLevelAmount": 0 }, { "ExpectedDifferenceMin": 2, "ExpectedDifferenceMax": 2, "AdjustedLevelAmount": 1 }, { "ExpectedDifferenceMin": 3, "ExpectedDifferenceMax": 50, "AdjustedLevelAmount": 2 } ] } ] } Les figure this out "ExpectedDifferenceMin": -50, "ExpectedDifferenceMax": -2, "AdjustedLevelAmount": -1 if you are -50 to -2 levels scale all to -1 ? "ExpectedDifferenceMin": -1, "ExpectedDifferenceMax": 1, "AdjustedLevelAmount": 0 If you are -1 to 1 level don't make adjustment }, { "ExpectedDifferenceMin": 2, "ExpectedDifferenceMax": 2, "AdjustedLevelAmount": 1 if you are 2 levels abobe adjusted to only 1 level....this i dont like }, { "ExpectedDifferenceMin": 3, "ExpectedDifferenceMax": 50, "AdjustedLevelAmount": 2 if you are 3 to 50 levels adjusted to only 2 ,,,this is bad can someone try it out ?
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