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Everything posted by falloutsheldon

  1. Ok, I've been lurking around this thread and I made an account to jump in. My personal issue with Eder not being a romance option reflects a lot of what has been already said. There is a kind of expectation from consumers that they're getting what they paid for. I understand 'development integrity' as a principle, however, Obsidian developed this game in the Kickstarter fashion - meaning that unlike big AAA companies like Bethesda and Rockstar they're getting their money for development directly from the base rather than fronting it internally and then earning it back later. Just like you don't have to immerse yourself in this fiction if you don't like it, so you don't have to back this game either. There's more pressure to provide results, at least on Obsidian's end, because people would stop believing in the product they provide, and there would as a result be less cashflow for future Kickstarter projects they want people to invest in. It's a give and take relationship, and for something as minor as a romance (especially one that's been as insanely popular and demanded as Eder), it's expected, not a favor. Whether or not you think Eder should or should not have been a romance, it's difficult to deny the principle it's built on, which is fulfilling consumer expectations. Products are designed for consumers, not for anything else (of course, video games can be considered art, which is a whole different can of worms. But from a business perspective, it's designed for the consumers). I love Obsidian as a developer, that's why I am here. But I'm also a Ron Swanson-esque free market person, and I'm a bit disappointed at this choice. Hopefully it will be included in a future DLC!
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