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Captain Matt

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Everything posted by Captain Matt

  1. the crash is probably a co-incidence. I do not recall the exact error number. I did note a message stating I needed to report it to the dev. so I am doing so, it is probably located in the "outputlog.tex" attachment. I could not upload the other bits in that folder. 2018-05-26_001340 this site will not accept .dmp uploads.
  2. at the risk of sounding like a "troll" myself for this viewpoint, I agree with that statement(partially). This post is bringing up a legitmate point, not a thoughtless one. but at least(unlike a lot of other games) it does not directly attack your main play character(even if you are a male) however I point out Bereth does do a soul hit into you at the character creation dream setting that bothers me, stating "if you cross me I'm going to beat your soul up, just a friendly warning". However, I think this is also done to character regardless of background, or gender choice. even if you do not pledge directly to Berath. as for the narrator, gender doesn't matter(to me) but her voice sounds like a kid telling a story to her stuffed unicorn in bed , not a woman, I would have preferred a mature sounding voice for that, (whatever gender) but what is done is done and the narration is not overdone after the introduction character dream sequence. I think that bit is a bit overly narrated.
  3. I won't be doing a serious playthrough to the end but I am saving this hysterically funny save to cloud for future ref.
  4. thank you for the heads up. at least I know it isn't some kind of malware. it does seem too intelligently done to be a bug, my PC inventory avatar(not the picture) changes hair color but retains all hair style the command interface melds with Eder's on the Main character's command bar so forth. this is a bug but it is darned intelligent!
  5. game crashes in Sea Cave opening mission after Eder clones himself and now I have two Eders and my play character is also Eder(except for equipment screen) this "cloning" happened after I leveled up Eder. I leveled Eder up before I leveled mysel up.. then attached file error message and crash to black screen. locked out my interface, keybaord/mouse could not report it I also attach screenshot. this is very bazaar even for a bug. I have tried reloading the save but it is still cloned. my character doesn't level up he is a Paladin, not a "swashbuckler" like Eder is. His hair is brown, and longish not blonde and longish, Eder's hair is short and when I click his profile that is what is shown when I click mine, a profile like eder with long blonde hair is shown. this is the most bazaar bug I've seen in A.I. the other thing is, he retains my equipment in my character slot and his own in his. additionally, I cannot find my class or any ability to level up my play character. I chose a Paladin for me and a dual class fighter/rogue for Eder. in "windowed" mode I cannot "alt-tab" to desktop during the crash and cannot F4-shfit either. this is the GOG version updated fully to date of this posting. output_log.txt loadedSave.zip
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