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Everything posted by exergy

  1. Kmbogd in that example are you saying that recovery speed is always 1/recovery time? Because from what I know about how stats are calculated would be based on what weapon you use. Researching it that way you come up with the bug. At 19 dex you maintain a 21% reduction on ANY weapon which doesn't make sense for how the stat "should" work. The calculation from my understand should be (Base weapon speed - dex%) and then whatever else calculates into it. So your 2h weapons would obviously gain more from a higher dex. Im fairly certain that this isn't working as intended. Dev feedback would be greatly appreciated on how this works.
  2. So upon doing some research I think I have found that the bonus from Dexterity is only going up to 21%. Currently my character and others in my party have a dexterity of 18-21. At 19 it says I should be getting 27% but when looking into the weapons its only listing 21% from Dexterity. Is this a hard cap or something that shouldn't be happening at all?
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