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Posts posted by SpaceAlex

  1. Really? I don't think its that fun... I prefer the underwater station on Manaan. Its creepy, and the sharks add danger and "threat" to your character. something K2 lacked.


    Huh, what are you talking about? Most planets in K2 had a creppy ambiance (Peragus, Harbinger, Citadel Station, Korriban)... your character was in constant danger (he was chased by bounty hunters, stealthy sith and assassin droids). In K1, there was only one such area, and even that was badly executed (IMO)...it was more funny than creepy, with the crazy Selktah running at you like they had a chance. :)

  2. ^ K1 had different animations for Flurry and the others. :brows:

    For blasters; have you equipped two while running?


    What i meant was that, for example, flurry only had one animation in K1. In K2 there were 3 different animations for flurry.


    And yes, i have equiped the blasters while running a few times. Looks cool, but equipping two melee weapons while running looks even cooler.

  3. Calling Oblivion for 360 "subpar" doesn't really make sense anyway. Just because it isn't moddable doesn't mean it can't be a good game.


    If it wasn't for the mods, i would have stopped playing that game after 20 hours (some design decisions really brought the game down). Instead i got bored with it after 200+ hours. :sorcerer:


    Also, there are some performace tweaks out there that make Oblivion perfectly playable at X360 settings (not max settings), even on older cards like 6800GT, X800XT (no HDR for those though)...For the high-end machines there are some high quality graphic mods out there that make Oblivion look 50% better than original.


    So, not being able to mod oblivion does make it subpar, compared to the PC version.

  4. Dude, it's just a name. They probably couldn't think of something else, or perhaps, at some point, OE wanted to destroy the Hawk, but LA said no so they had to bring it back.


    Or perhaps... but JUSt perhaps... they rushed the ending.

    Not that there is any more proof than this to be found for it; so it's JUST a theory :brows:


    Regardless, the Ebon Hawk is "alive", and we can expect to see it in K3 if it ever comes out.

  5. What I find interesting is that Kreia's story and the Harbinger crew's stories don't match up. Kreia said the Ebon Hawk flew to the Harbinger and docked with it, and she got you out, while the Harbinger crew said they brought in the Ebon Hawk and Kreia was found dead.


    Sorry, but i don't remember the Harbinger crew ever mention Kreia. They only ones who mentioned her were the ones on Peragus.


    But yes, Kreia does say they flew to the Harbinger, when the Sith were already on board. It is possible that Kreia was not on board the Ebon Hawk at all, and arrived in a totally different ship (presumably a very small one...for one or two persons only). It makes sense to me, since i could never explain how Kreia found the Ebon Hawk in the first place. I was always under the impression that T3 just came back from the unknown space (and left Revan there), when the Sith fired upon it when it was on its way to Telos. The Sith were probably aware that the Ebon Hawk was Revan's freighter, and probably thought Revan was on board.

  6. the prevous movie doesn't show the ebon hawk being smashed to bits. also just because the ship falls doesn't meen it's unopperaraple and can't 2 seconds latter start flying away as it does when it picks up the exile in the LS ending movie.


    Furthermore in Lost in space the captain uses the force of the ship falling through the calapsing planet to thrust the ship into space


    But it IS called "Death of the Ebon Hawk" :teehee:


    Dude, it's just a name. They probably couldn't think of something else, or perhaps, at some point, OE wanted to destroy the Hawk, but LA said no so they had to bring it back.

  7. 1. Kreia (just rocks...i'm always playing a neutral character BTW)

    2. Handmaiden (nice backstory, cool sparring matches, makes a wonderful jedi if you boost her stats right)

    3. HK-47 (has loads of funny and useful stuff to say, very useful in combat with the custom blasters i made for him :teehee:)

    4. Visas Marr (very loyal, very useful in combat)

    5. T3-M4 (cute, and saves your butt a couple of times, repairing him rocks)

    6. Atton (cool backstory, nice drinking buddy, not very useful in combat until you turn him into a jedi though)

    7. Mira (acts too manly, but the lovly voice makes up for it... also makes a wonderful jedi sentinel)

    8. Mandalore (cool, useful, not much else)

    9. GO-TO (i don't hate him like most folks in here..i actually find him pretty amusing at times, he's not very useful in combat though)

    10. Bao-Dur (i don't know about you, but everytime i hear him speak, i think he's having an orgasm :ermm:..otherwise he's a pretty good companion)

    12. Hanharr (stupid bloodthirsty beast..still a better personality than zaalbarr though, very useful in combat)

    13. Disciple (annoying voice, makes me fall asleep, the reason i will never play as a female again)

  8. A Sith vessel headed straight for Peragus would have alerted the Republic and attracted Republic warships, even assuming that it was still operational. The Harbinger, a Republic vessel, might have approached without arousing suspicion - I'm sure the Harbinger would have been reported lost by then, but perhaps they planned to disguise themselves as another republic ship, at least for a while. The Sith didn't know, after all, that Peragus would be crippled when they arrived and that such disguises were unnecessary.


    Very likely yes. Either way, it seems the people on Peragus were doomed. If the HK-50 wouldn't kill them all, the Sith would once they arrived. :o


    Well, all the ships who wanted to get to peragus needed to upload new navigation maps to get though the debris field. I'm guessing that the station wouldn't transmit those charts to every ship that entered the system-just ones that had clearance. This would, from a security prospective, make perfect sense if the station is half as important as everyone keeps telling you.

    If the Ebon Hawk wasn't one of those ships,it would also mean that Atton's comments on not having the charts makes much more sense. It might also explain why HK-50 didn't take the Hawk off the station.

    I'd say that a sith ship that turned up isn't going to get the charts it needed. It should also be remembered that no one seemed to know the Harbringer was missing, let alone captured, so it would still be listed as a Republic ship and have clearance.


    Forgot about navigation charts. Been a while since i've played the game. :)


    As for the Harbinger, it probably was reported missing, but the information never reached Peragus. Remember that the HK-50 crippled all of the communication within the facility. Ofcourse the Sith couldn't know that, but they obiously decided to take that risk.

  9. Good to see I'm not the only one who likes Peragus, SpaceAlex. :o I enjoy the fact that there's an appreciable difference in your character between level-ups. Later in the game, level-ups become rather a chore. I also like the eerieness, the introduction of two or three great characters very slowly, and controlling T3. :woot:


    So, I have no idea how long I usually take, but longer than most, from what I read above.


    Yeah..the HK-50 introduction brought a simle to my face. :grin: I knew immidiately who was responsible for all the mess. :lol:


    "Mocking query: Coorta! Coorta, are you dead yet?.. I believe i forgot to mention i reversed the turbolift codes in case you managed to get this far" :grin:



    As for T3-M4, i was glad that OE haven't left this poor droid in the dark, like Bioware did. He was completley useless in K1, but in K2 he kicks ass. :)

  10. I like Peragus. I don't start a new game very often (in 2 years i've only played through KII twice...will play through it at least twice more after TSLRP becomes avaible), so i don't have a problem playing through that level. First time, it took me about 5 hours, the second 6. :thumbsup: What can i say, i'm slow. Hell, i spent 10 hours on Dantooine, and that's no joke.

  11. As to why it took so long for the Sith to realise you went to Peragus, i have a theory...Sion probably felt Kreia's presence as she woken up (hey, why not..she was probably not powerful enough at the time to shield herself), and was able to find out the Hawk went to Peragus. I think Kreia didn't wake up sooner on purpose, just so she wouldn't led the Sith to Peragus too soon.



    Its more likely that the Sith were able to track Hawk when it entered hyperspace so had a fair idea where the ship went. As to why they didn't follow straight away-well don't forget that HK-50 shut most of the Harbringers systems down when he was trying to capture the Exile, it probably took the Sith troops on board some time to repair the damage.



    Yes, it seems more likely, but it doesn't explain why they just didn't use their own vessel (the one they used to fire on the Hawk) to go to Peragus.

  12. Dual sabers (one in each hand)


    Silver, Aqua, red-pink (done by myself)


    Neutral (both extremes annoy me...though i have to give myself enough light or dark side points to get Visas and a Pretige class (yes i have to use a cheat)


    Kreia, Handmaiden, HK-47..like them all equaly.


    Peragus..j/k :) ... Dantooine and/or Nar Shaddaa.


    8.5/10..until TSLRP becomes avaible that is.

  13. The Ebon Hawk was still spaceworthy after being fired upon first (before it docks on the Harbinger), and Kreia, T3M4 were not dead or damaged yet. I assume that Kreia is not mentioned in the Harbinger logs because she sneaked onto the Harbinger, so nobody knew she was there in the first place. When on the ship, Kreia sought out the Exile, but the Exile was already poisoned by HK-50 who probably secured him in a cargo hold when the Sith begun to take over the vessel. Kreia probably used the Force to help her locate the Exile. When she found him, she brought him aboard the Ebon Hawk. HK-50 probably saw her doing it, and boarded the Ebon Hawk right before they took off, and hid in that room on the Hawk. Just as the Ebon Hawk was ready to jump to hyperspace, the Sith fired upon it and damaged it bady. I assume that something fell on Kreia, or that maybe the HK-50 shot her right before the door closed down behind him.


    As for how they got to Peragus with the badly damaged Ebon Hawk is a mystery to me. Perhaps it was already close to it, and arrived to the destination before the hyperdrive shut off. That seems the most logical explanation. As to why it took so long for the Sith to realise you went to Peragus, i have a theory...Sion probably felt Kreia's presence as she woken up (hey, why not..she was probably not powerful enough at the time to shield herself), and was able to find out the Hawk went to Peragus. I think Kreia didn't wake up sooner on purpose, just so she wouldn't led the Sith to Peragus too soon.

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