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Posts posted by SpaceAlex

  1. I have the PC version, and it plays fine. Encountered no PC specific bugs (like crashing, mouse stuttering, and whatnot). I even have no problems with the hacking mini game (was difficult at first, but I'm a master at it now).


    Still, if others games you own tend to crash on your PC, I don't think getting AP for the PC would be a good idea until you fix your computer.


    Crashing can be caused by bad drivers or bad hardware. In very few cases will a malfunctioning graphic card cause crashes (it usually just freezes the screen or starts giving you artifacts that get progressively worse). Bad graphic drivers could be a possible cause, however. I suggest updating all of your drivers and scanning your computer for viruses. If that won't help, your problem is almost certainly hardware related.


    When dealing with hardware, I always start with RAM first (you can use this simple but quite effective app [detected errors in my ram on more than one occasion] to test your ram) because it's the easiest to test and to replace. If no errors are found in your RAM, your problem is most likely the motherboard (which is indeed a pain to replace). CPU's usually don't break down unless you overclock them. Still, it happens on occasion.

  2. Windows 7 isn't supported. Shouldn't it be supported?


    It may not be officially supported, but I'm 99%+ sure it'll work just fine. Win 7 is basically just an upgraded Vista. I've been using it since the early Beta, and I can tell you that if the game runs fine on Vista, it will run on 7 just as well (if not better).


    M$ were very careful this time around (after what happened with Vista). Compatibility was one of their top concerns (unsurprisingly), so that people who will be upgrading from Vista (or even XP, now that pretty much every app is compatible with Vista) won't have to go through the same nightmare as those who decided to move to Vista too soon.

  3. Cutscences are immersive? That's a new one for me, the exact opposite in fact. All I want to do is cycle through them to move on when I can play the game.


    Guess we're lucky you aren't a dev.


    Indeed. Maybe he should stick to FPS like Half Life, for example; there are only two short cutscenes (one at the end and one at the beginning). :lol:

  4. I don't care what anyone says, I'm buying both. It is true that story is not SC's strongest element (some interrogations and radio chatters are great though), but I love the gameplay and graphic. Chaos Theory still looks and plays better than most modern games. As for Double Agent, it was clearly behind CT but I still liked it.


    I'll be playing AP for dialog, story, and RPG elements; just like most everyone else.

  5. No more silly than being able to freeze time, aim three shots, and unleash them all at once. Or shoot your SMG's without reloading for a period of time. Or slow down time and cause your CQC to become superpowered.


    All of these things I could do without. In fact, I would much prefer if they weren't a part of the game. Can't they come up with some sensible feats like improved aim, more combat moves, quieter steps while sneaking, etc?


    Still, I guess if I don't want those supernatural feats, I don't have to pick them up, right?

  6. If this invisibility cloak has to exist (which I really don't like), you better provide a good explanation for it (The Stealth Boy in F3 was plausible enough). If it's just like there, it will seriously hinder my enjoyment of the game.


    I don't care that the game's not done completely in accordance to our world laws. I just want a game world that seems plausible... that feels like it could exist somewhere in the universe. If this cloak is just some magical feature that only Mike can use and nobody reacts to or mentions it, I will have a hard time immersing myself into the game world. It's just too obvious to label it as a feature (like rapid shot for example) not worthy of serious mention.

  7. Well, honestly, SC already looks to have a major upper hand on this game from a gunplay/stealth/polish/production values perspective SC won't, however, have a non-Tom Clancy storyline written by the Obs staff, nor will it have AP's (hopefully) awesome choice & consequence.


    It's really too bad, with the games being released in a narrow timeframe, since AP will get an unfavorable comparison next to SC in those areas. However, they chose to make the actual gameplay action/stealth-oriented, so they either need to up their game or take the flak for it. Unfortunately, I have a feeling the game will be treated as the poor man's action/stealth game. It needs to expand beyond that and offer lots more tactical options, starting with lots of wacky gadgets. Lockpicking/hacking minigames doesn't inspire much, either. I don't think the game deserves a free pass 'because' it's an RPG, and should be called out for having substandard gameplay if that's what it ends up having. Then again, that's exactly what Mass Effect managed, and people are excited about ME2, so we'll see how people receive AP.


    Obs needs to show off the RPG/C&C elements more, otherwise they WILL draw negative comparisons to SC, or other weird ones I've heard, like Uncharted 2 and Call of Duty and Gears of War :/ Show more dialogue, more character interaction, more branching C&C, more warring factors. Stop showing Thornton sneaking around in his silly crouching animation and shooting things and playing minigames.


    Agreed. This game obviously can't even come close to the likes of SP - Conviction in terms of graphic and animation, so I believe OE should really focus on showing the things this game's good at. Show us how the customization of equipment is handled, how the interface works, and, for God sakes, show us some more dialog. These latest videos made the game look like some cheap shooter with some tiny RPG elements thrown in. I get more excited watching a random Mass Effect gunplay video than I do watching your E3 videp presentation.


    Just how I feel. I want to feel different but I just can't... I need to see more of this game's other qualities before I can refill my excitement fluid tank. :lol:


    Oh, and I almost forgot: some PC gameplay videos (I would like to know if the movement looks more fluid when one is using the mouse&keyboard) would've been nice, but I guess we won't see that anytime soon.

  8. I'm waiting for DLC to "fix" the ending before I finish this one. I've reached that point of the main quest (enclave part) where there is no turning back. The story is sort of forcing you to complete the main quest at this point. Knowing how it's all going to end (by rushing towards the ending), I've decided to stop playing for a while, despite the fact that I left quite a number of side quests left unfinished. It just doesn't make sense to go around doing other things when the tension between you, the BOS and the Enclave is so high.

  9. Yes, I can do that as well. Behold: the power of my mind! :)


    Now *that* was funny. :)


    Seriously though, I think the problem was that I heard so many people say how funny those reviews are that I was expecting something that would make me laugh for hours, and when I finally decided to check them out, I was disappointed. I've recently decided to give them another try, and they indeed can be funny; just not as much as I expected. I suppose people like to listen to him so much because of his unique speech. I don't think he would've been funny at all if he talked in a "normal" way.

  10. heh, arguably all of Obsidian's previously released titles *still* need fine tuning. It is possible that they'll turn their reputation around with AP and deliver a mirror-sheen level of polish, but given how ambitious the core concept is I kind of doubt it.


    Got that right. :lol: Still, some of the best RPG's that I played were released in a bugged state (both Fallouts, Planescape, Vampire: Bloodlines, KOTOR 2...), so I'm not really worried. I guess you can't have it all. :)

  11. Probably means nothing. The concept art version of the male exile is on page 1 and 32. Even if LA's (they were the ones who wrote the manual) intention was to make the Exile a female before the game was even released, it doesn't matter. The game was developed by Obsidian, and the Exile can be either a male or a female. It is simply a matter of ones preference. There is no canon, IMO.

  12. I read a thread on RPGCodex about someone who got an error where Khelgar merged with one of the familiars, resulting in a cat with various Dwarf-fighter feats.


    ROFL! Khelgar the cat. Maybe the gods got angry at him for claiming to be of Neutral Good alignment, despite the fact that he wants to beat the hell out of every living thing. :lol:

  13. Ohh, there were so many i liked. But Dreamfall, Fahrenheit (aka Indigo Prophecy) and K2 had the most amazing soundtrack IMO. Those games just wouldn't be as good as they were without it. Bloodlines had a great soudtrack aswell, but there was just not enough of it (some tracks were starting to get on my nerves when i heared them the 100th time.). I should also mention Oblivion, SC: Double Agent and Chaos Theory.

  14. Currently replaying HL2. Still looks amazing with the latest texture mod installed. Why can't all FPS be of the same quality as HL2? Really, i think HL2, HL2:EP1 (and perhaps chronicles of riddick aswell) were the only FPS i enjoyed playing, in the last three years (FEAR was pretty average, FarCry was good until the monkeys showed up.)

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