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Everything posted by Todo88

  1. https://support.obsidian.net/article/30-mac-game-crashes-before-character-generation Obsidian finally has the issue pinpointed to the built-in GPU. Glad to get a proper update finally!
  2. First, the hotfix is for the Save Import bug not the MacOS bug. The replies say they are aware of the Mac bug but not a hotfix date for it specifically. The fact that the information is buried in the comments about another bug-fix is kind of annoying, especially when the bug affects so many customers. "Obsidian games are known for being buggy" is not an excuse to have a game that is unplayable. You say we should encourage them to be better, but people spent a lot of money and feel like they're being left out in the cold with no explanation for when they can play their game. Of course we want them to "be better", but blind faith seems like a silly route to go. There are a lot of people who have never played a Obsidian game but wanted to hop in here. Why should those people be expected to be generous and patient with what amounts to $50+ for an unworking product. The reason everyone is saying that Obsidian must have known about this is because MacOS is a very common programming laptop and it's almost certain there were playtesters that ran into this bug. The game is sold as a MacOS game but that game is not playable for some large percentage of the Mac install-base. I don't think it's evil on their part but it is bad business practice to release a full price game and then to not get a daily update or even just an acknowledgement that they've found (or not found) the root-cause of the error so people can wait it out for the hotfix or refund it and re-buy it later when the game is fully functional. The lack of updates in the forums, twitter, their website... It's just "We're working on it." and that isn't enough to feel confident that we're nearing a playable game.
  3. I'm having this same issue as well. Kind of stinks because I won't be back to my PC until this weekend so hopefully someone will find a workaround.
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