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Posts posted by JediMafia

  1. ;)
    Oh, please Master Jedimafia, enlighten us some more with your infinite wisdom!

    most definitly finite :p


    I suppose you all "choose" to overlook flaws and actually prefer inferior games,thats fine.


    Name the last xbox game Obsidian made?

    Have they even stated they are using "bump mapping" on xbox


    as musch as I can tell the drawn distances look equal to part 1 when campared head to head, i.e. to screenshot to screenshot.


    someone should start a new topic "The Five Best Things KOTOR 2 has over KOTOR 1" (I doubt people can list more than 2 things "worth listing" :)

    :o Sory I forgot this before guys, the Title of the game is the "Sith Lords" not the Sith Queens or Princess or The Sith Barones, so in response to a thread I read here I seriously doubt that the main charcter can be a female. Lords is a gender refernce which identifies only with the males. Sure females can play dark side but they won't a a Lord they can be the wife of a Sith Lord.



    P.S. is it me or from the released art I think that the Dark masked sith and the ligh "good" blonde chick are one in the same.sure they drawn battling but that may be just a mataphor. :o

  2. ;)

    Oh, please Master Jedimafia, enlighten us some more with your infinite wisdom!

    most definitly finite :p


    I suppose you all "choose" to overlook flaws and actually prefer inferior games,thats fine.


    Name the last xbox game Obsidian made?

    Have they even stated they are using "bump mapping" on xbox


    as musch as I can tell the drawn distances look equal to part 1 when campared head to head, i.e. to screenshot to screenshot.


    someone should start a new topic "The Five Best Things KOTOR 2 has over KOTOR 1" (I doubt people can list more than 2 things "worth listing" :)

  3. ;) You have to be pretty nieve to not expect a plot twist in the sequel or should I call it a v1.5 not a "full" sequel


    Since Blizzard & Lucas Arts bascialy gave Obsidian the engine, models, art, and Lucas the Idea. It amounts to a painter being given a canvas, some, paint, a brush, and Lucas saying paint some fruit but since they had restrictions from Lucas they said but no grapes, and there must be an apple in the painting. Everything else is oiginal by Obsidian which is not much


    I expect for KOTOR 2 to be a huge let down, lets face it the Dev is lazy come on 2+ years to work on the engine and the can't get colored saber glows to work and light up dark caves, "Everyone and their grand mother know that lightsabers CAST A GLOW" If this is left out Obsidian wins for biggest whimps.


    Yeah they are touting or tuting their own horn by saying they have bigger worlds and less loading times, and a farther draw distance. For me that was all more than enough in part 1.


    I would have preffered the option for hoods up or down, an extra party member, xbox live functionality, custome hilts, space combat. anything except the weak stuff they put in.


    And expect a major plot twist, its the series signature like mario with no mush rooms, Halo with no guns, Metal Gear with out sneaking. Dare I say we get the option to join the Sith Lords: There I said it sorry for the spoiler. :p

  4. :)


    Are we the posters of thse forums wasting out time. How many of the suggestions posted in the forums have been worked into the game KOTOR 2.


    At least are do our suggestions still have time to be put into the game if the suggestion is so monumental that the dev agrees to put it in.










    P.S. I have phenomenal idea for KOTOR 2's gameplay/level ups.


  5. :)


    Are we the posters of thse forums wasting out time. How many of the suggestions posted in the forums have been worked into the game KOTOR 2.


    At least are do our suggestions still have time to be put into the game if the suggestion is so monumental that the dev agrees to put it in.










    P.S. I have phenomenal idea for KOTOR 2's gameplay/level ups.


  6. <_<



    Yes I'm posting again I always have an eye on what your doing.


    Anyways the dev in the interview said "the game is done" english is my 1st language and that means to me "the game is done"


    All in all all I see are new animations, a "new" story which may suck (HOW THEY'RE GONNA MAKE US SWALLOW GETTING THE eBON hAWK REMAINS TO BE SEEN)


    I see new character models and some old and new items.


    What I don't see are inovations, things that in the original made us say "cool"


    I think they got lazy and reused the Ebon Hawks models sound etc. Instead of dev a new cool ship. It looks to me that its all window dressing no new cool stuff or gameplay options or classes Just more of the same (which would be great)


    Its more of a KOTOR v1.5 not a full unique sequel )We may be expecting too much and are in for a let down :)

  7. I was watching the latest video interviw with the developers, the game is "done' in their words its in the Alpha stage just before beta. They sai dthe story is done and all their doinf is tweaking and polishing and fixing bugs.


    I belive that we may be expecting way to much since part 1 was so new and good. I think they got lazy this time and it will just be more of part I not like all the

    Amazing and wonderful ideas posted here.


    In the end, It will be a bit of a let down I doubt they have inovated much or added cool hoods or stances or hilts etc. expct a KOTOR v1.5 not a full sequel.

  8. Please utilize Xbox Live make a cool feature like leader boards to see who is the highest ranked.


    Use Xbox Live to let players compete in online Pazaak tournaments or speeder bike races.


    I know KOTOR 2 won't be completely multiplayer or might it be?


    Anyways Use Xbox Live for cool new imaginative features that break new ground. Such ass.


    Let users "trade" items or weapons in kinda like a Cosmic intergalctic trade station where eveyone goes to log into xbox live and "trade" items we put them up for sale and either aprrove or disaprove of the trade either for credits or and item. Kinda like KOTOR 2's own ebay. But make it cool and tied into the story line.


    Make the Cantinas Xbox live aware so when we enter a cantina it logs us onto Xbox Live and we can actualy voice chat with a chick if shes playingor our buddies on line in real time.


    This would blow any other game for 2005 clear out of the water and guarantee Kotor 2 a game of the year. ;)

  9. Please utilize Xbox Live make a cool feature like leader boards to see who is the highest ranked.


    Use Xbox Live to let players compete in online Pazaak tournaments or speeder bike races.


    I know KOTOR 2 won't be completely multiplayer or might ot.


    Anyways Use Xbox Live for cool new imaginative features that break new ground. Such ass.


    Let users "trade" items or weapons in kinda like a Cosmic intergalctic trade station where eveyone goes to log into xbox live and "trade" items we put them up for sale and either aprrove or disaprove of the trade either for credits or and item. Kinda like KOTOR 2's own ebay. But make it cool and tied into the story line.


    Make the Cantinas Xbox live aware so when we enter a cantina it logs us onto Xbox Live and we can acyualy voice chat with a chick if shes playingor our buddies on line in real time.


    This would blow any other game for 2005 clear out of the water and guarantee Kotor 2 a game of the year.

  10. Those cute cuddley bares.


    In a flash of heavenly insipration this idea could have only been sent to my brain my the Lord himself. Here it is.


    Instead of a single one party member a group of 3 to 4 Ewoks joins your party (good or Evil) no matter. They still take up just one slot in the party dyanic so even though there are 3 Ewoks they only count as one.


    During comabat they are controled as any onther party member.


    But they attack in randome formations either all jumping on the enemies back and slahing with a sword while on him or shooting from a distance.


    Basicaly the "gang tackle an enemy"


    2 could be shooting with pistold whiles the other is slashing with a sword in close.


  11. HK-47 was the most facinating character in all of video gamedome ever.


    But time moves on since having him in the sequel would be "been there done that"


    There should be either an in game scripted event for "evil player or good" Or a CGI story cutscene I'm not decided yet Where this bad ass dark metalic black chrome droid obliderates HK-47 in hand to hand droid combat and rips out his central memory core and up loads it to him self and rips off HK-47's head and adds it to his trophy room


    This new Droid has free will but must obey the 3 laws of robotics until an upgrade is purchased waaay later in the game or we level up to suffciently restore his combat abilities which far surpass HK-47's


    He should also wise crack after a kill like "ooh thats gonna hurt" or

    after a good kill "Get up so I can kill you again"


    He should just be a droid that HK-47 scared to death of period.

  12. The droid shoild also be more sarcastic than HK-47 and kinda like an assasian comedian like after a succesful kill he wisse craks like "dam thats gonna hurt"


    "or should I have warned him before slicing him in 2"


    "or after gutting some poor guard" "clean up on isle 2"



    He should be a droid that even HK-47 is scared of.

  13. HK-47 was the most facinating character in all of video gamedome ever.


    But time moves on since having him in the sequel would be "been there done that"


    There should be either an in game scripted event for "evil player or good" Or a CGI story cutscene I'm not decided yet Where this bad ass dark metalic black chrome droid obliderates HK-47 in hand to hand droid combat and rips out his central memory core and up loads it to him self and rips off HK-47's head and adds it to his trophy room


    This new Droid has free will but must obey the 3 laws of robotics until an upgrade is purchased waaay later in the game or we level up to suffciently restore his combat abilities which far surpass HK-47's

  14. In part 1 i was ok there was no colored glow to the light sabers.


    That was because the original dev team had to creat an engine from scatch.


    But since all that work is done in KOTOR 2 the light sabers need to cast a colored glow onto the environment geometry and the models.


    The light saber glow is a Star wars staple its like the Terminators I'll be back like.


    Its a cheeseburger with no cheese if KOTOR 2 does not have the "glow"


    Its would be inexcusable. I could care less that the environements are "bigger" they were big enough last time. I don't need to see 50 miles scale draw distance if I'm not a "sniper"

  15. since the game allows you so much freedom. It would be nice to be able to Force attck meaning attacking an innocent person, for no good reason.


    This would add great depth and realism to the game.



    Also I would like to see more environmet interaction. As presvious mentioned it would be nice to be able to Slice a tree branch or shoot at bench and watch is smolder and be slighly burnt.


    This would also be an amazing element to gameplay allowing for the user to dynamicaly solve puzzles by using the environment.

  16. :(

    I feel that it will be inexcusable if by the time the games goes gold, that when you draw the light saber out in game it must cast a glow on objects and models.


    This was permisable in the first game since they had alot of work to do, In part 2 the engine is done all it needs are some upgrades.


    So I speak for myself and a couple thousand people who feel the same as I do but do not post here, that if the saber don't cast a "glow" in real time onto objects models that KOTOR 2 will not make it into my game library as a purchase.

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