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Posts posted by JediMafia

  1. It would be nice to use force power during races.


    A major part left out of K1 was being able to upgrade our bikes.


    This would be so awesome.




    Hey how many people here are getting the strategy guide?


    K1 would have been impossible for a casual gamer like me if it wasn't for the guide.



    I felt that K1 also needed major improvements in certain places, I can't even remember now in Part 1 did Day time shift into Night time on the fly ? or at all.


    It would be cool if certain things or items were only available at place during night or day.

  2. Living by the BEach in Miami, and on a Planet thats 80% water yes I do love the water as should you. Pls aren't we like 78% water ourselevs anyways. We're like big ugly bags of water


    So Love the water


    and waiting till Feberuary for better Collsion detection, Saber Glows, Hoods up or down, and inevitable fixes to the d20 engine rumbling in the background its definitely worth waiting.


    Name on game that never needed a bug fix or patch of late. Especially a game as important ans as complex as turn based d20 rules RPG.


    I predict with in the first 48 hours some one will find a near game ruining glitch/issue either unlimited credits, or level up to 20 in ten miniutes or soemthing thatt gonna make it suck.


    By the way how far can we level up? what the Max, My level 40 Paladin in WoW alredy has a Combat Pet Dog and Trusty mount a stalion, Can we even get to LEvel 40 in K2.?

  3. Yes the beach you could and on Manana or what ever, but like the cool looking rivers in that Jedi world I forgot the name we could not.


    I saw no reason why the water there was such a barrier.


    Yes I've made the Saber Glow point dozens of times but oh well I'll just wait to get it on PC and rent K2 and throw it on my Xbox's 160GB HD shhhh.


    As HAdes One say we get beter resolution, bug fixes patches (i hear and read K2 has horrible collision detection) AND NO WAY TO FIX it ahahahh LOL we aslo get better graphical effects and sweet exclusive content and mods, mianly Mods I can't wait for the Limbs and Blood to start flying with the Gore Mod which I hear is all but done.


    Buddah says all paths are equal.

  4. I really disliked, how in K1 if there was a small puddle of water you could not walk into it.


    Its not like I'm asking to be Prince of Persia and swim, but just walk through small river and puddles would be nice or even just touch the water


    And I'm pretty much getting it on PC even if means and new video card, I'll just die when the Expansion Pak comes out or a Patch or verision update Removing Xbox Live was the worst thing that could have happened here.


    Oh and why is there no jump button or is there? Even though it may be of limited use it would still help, I feel like the Characters are Glued to the floor, and more environemt interaction would have helped like if we had to Force attack at tree limb to make it fall.


    and my biggest gripe since day one which I will never forgive till K3 on Xbox 2 is why this Lazzy developer never did Sabers casting a realtime colored glow in the game. I can't wait to draw my Saber in a Dark cave and nothing its still dark. How cool would that have been to light up the cave with the glow. I forgave this in K1 but I'm pissed, oh well I hear the PC version if you have a DX 9.1 card we do get colored real time glows too bad for Xbox it doe shave HWT&L too bad lazy dev blew it and Xbox Live.


    (P.S. I just called Wal-Mart in Miami and they have it heck I almost got Halo 2 there, but at the last second they saw the big Street Date Sensitive Sticker I doubt K2 has this on my way to Wal_Mart)

  5. Basicaly from what I hear which is alot. The game should be around 40 hours of gaming thats a very rough esitmate.


    What saddens me is that while playing "Light" side we get around 20 hours


    But when playing "Dark" Side its more like 30 hours why such a huge shift.?


    I'm guessing cuz K1 the dark side was not as fun and had less stuff to do


    Each path shouldhave had equaly interesting stuff and since the vast majority of people play as "Light" side or good they made Dark side longer and more interesting seems logical.




    P.S. Remember the Mayans, bascialy thousands of years ago the predicted all solar/and lunar eclipses, and to this date. The calculations are still accurate to the minute or second. They also predict the End of Time as December 21, 2012 ;)

  6. I loved the Saber Crystals and Gems Pearls etc. I hope there are many many more in K2SL


    I hope they triple the number and add different things in there. Like maybe a "living" crystal'


    Or a High Tech Chip instead of a Crystal but the chip is way powerful but doesn't last as long as a Crystal


    Has anybody seen a complete list of the crystals on a good site?


    I could spend all day thinking about this game.


    Its inevitable in RPG's like this to think about this or that could have been added.


    Jeez I'm already thinking of ideas for K3. On Xbox 2 I hope its not MMO and Pay to Play as I fear it maybe.


    Anyways get tickets if you can for and Mark your calendar for E3 2005

    May 18-20, 2005

    Los Angeles, CA


    3 Console unveilings PS3, Nintendo's Revolution (another failure) and Xbox 2, which will feature builtin Bluetooth and 802.11g and standard Bluetooth wireless controlers wow another Xbox win. :(

  7. Question is the KOTOR series (the best RPG I've ever played) Propreitary to Xbox cuz I belive Lucas Arts just for power they choose the Xbox only mantra by free will.


    But once the PS3 is out they are free to release the KOTOR series on Sony's PS3 which will probably be as powerfull if not more so than Xbox 2.


    So does Lucas arts have an exculsivity deal with Microsoft I don't think so? Anyone

  8. <_< Since its Obvious the way the gaming industry is going World of Warcraft


    and on Xbox 2 to feature KOTOR 3 I belive strongly and I try to avoid being gulable and sticking my head in the sand but I have a strong feeling KOTOR 3 on Xbox 2 will be 100% Pay to PLay no money no fun


    On top of the games price


    The game will probably be MMO and Amazing no doubt but Pay to Play is harsh

  9. :wub:


    Ok fine they had a deadline from Lucas Arts but you guys use that almost as excuse to stick up for Obsidian maybe rightfully so.


    But Obsidian knew thay had a "dealine" from day one, and logic dictates to implement an XboxLive feature(just use the old ones code and update it alittle) its not like all has changed so much.


    Because no matter if you decide to drop Xbox live functinality to devote more time, and give us "a better game" excuse cough cough don't fall for it.


    They should have secured Xbox Live from day one because Bugs and major glitches are bound to come up its Murphy's LAw.


    No we are stuck with a lame duck "frozen game" No new wepaons items levels nothing.

    or even auto Updates and Pathces nada. Too bad for Xbox owners


    I'm so mad I may just shell out $299 for a huge powerfull Video Card so a least Via PC we can get much needed Patches and Bug fixes

  10. I mean Fable desvrese some ceredit Xbox Live for content downloads new eapons items We get none of that in a sequel no less its supposed to be an improvement not a deprovement


    Fables "expresions" are sweet.


    And It may or may not fit in KOTOR's world but I would have liked the ability to "Own" Property like a Cantina or a Hover Bike.


    Taking a wife I don't care much for.



    But rideable creatures and controable ones would have been Nice oh well maybe KOTOR3




    Oh at least Xbox 2 with its wirles standard Bluetooth controlers and 8o2.11g and Bluetooth right out of the box will be nice, and no need for a built in HD since all save files will go directly to a folder on your PC via WiFi automaticaly KOTOR 3 should PWN all

  11. I said it from the beging Obsidian the new developer was Lazy as heck, they never in almost 2 years got the light sabers to cast a colored "glow" as they shoudl and they never even bother to give us the ability to have hoods up or down. Ok fine


    But the straw that broke the camels back was when six months before Release they remove all Xbox Live functionaility they are so lazy. They could have just used the Originals Implemenatation


    This is a sequel a step forward not a steap back and removeing features the originals Live capabilities were fine DLC and auto Updates to fix bugs now no patches or glicth fixes


    what a let down I fear this game may hit the dreaded 8.5 score or below.


    BBoi Weapon :lol:

  12. you are all weird. WEIRD I SAY! WEIRD!



    I would like to be able to take human shields and JUMP in K2 its jus going to feel like your glued to the floor I had thatfeeling in K1.


    and for Jebus sake Sabers cast a "glow" if in all this dev time they don't add a glow Obsidian got lazy, oh and the item count shoul be tripled.


    and how about Xbox Live online Pazaak with other Live player for new weapons.


    Lets face it the best thing about any RPG is the weapon upgrades and in K2 when you get the saber the games kinda over early.

  13. :lol:

    With so many great RPG's on the Market Fable and WOW


    and more K2 needs to be able to own property, have chracter expresions, it need smore unscipted events.


    With the recent "leak" of Halo 2 I'm calling it now I bet K2 leaks when it goes RTM.


    I'd like to able able to swin in Knights 2 in Knights 1 the water was like an unfair boudary.


    And the coolest feature thats neds to be in is "force attack" I'm so sick of only be able to damage enemies or certain objects it needs more environemt interaction.



  14. ;) As posted in another genius thread in my opinion. This new story line from what we know if it is extremly flawed, How did the Sith get so powerful?


    Finsihing the game as light side part 1 it makes no sense. On the other hand as a dark side player its completly feasible.


    Another thing that Chris Avellone has clearly contradicted himself and his credibility is that in other interviews he states that the character has no amnesia will not get amensia, there are no flashes to memories vision profesies and more the "charcter" knows who he is and is fully aware of themselves thats paraphrasing but you get the gist.


    But in a recent inteview thread/ response I read that the character/player wakes up on the asteriod mine field and does not know how the got there or what he's doing there.


    C'mon I agree with alot of ppl here that the less they change the better TSL will be but thats almost the same begining that part 1 had verbatim. Whats with the "waking up" Obsidian has to wake up and not just use a Cookie cutter to make this game and say there a full original sequel bull. :p

  15. lastgame the romance lead to the dark side which kinda was not fair I hope thi game fixes that and there is a light side romance and a dark side romance thats plot central which is what makes it fun either we go for nookie or we save the galaxy.


    I'm sure some SW fat ass fans would go for nookie cuz they're never getting other wise Nerds :o

  16. ;) Those are all "improved" been there done that stuff I should have clarrified by suggesting new unique cool WOW factor stuff.


    Sorry for my bad typing in the previous post I type fast and rarely proof it.


    All in all excellent items in the list I hope they're all they're cracked up to be. :p




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