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Posts posted by JediMafia

  1. From what I have done, is taken my Xbox to a Microsoft Certified repair center, have them professionaly clean it, especally the Lazer Lens,.


    Have the center Flash your bios it helps to have the ltest one, early bios have a weak Lazaer newer bios, boost power to the Lazer


    Get one of these(the DVD kits) supposedly that little DVD chip wakes internal Xbox stuff up.



    Lube up the the tray gears(won't actualy help except for quicker open/close)


    Delete all un-necessary saved games.


    Clear the Xbox Cache.


    Keep the Xbox cool, keep it well ventilated, and have your cribs A/C kickin, in Winter Homes tend to be on the warm side (not a prob for me here in Sunny 75 degree Miami)

    I even have a little PC fan rigged with a 9Volt square battery laying next to mine so it can push more air flow


    And even for the few of you without Broadband, and Xbox Live, even though Sith Lords doesn't use it, make sure you at Least have the Latest dashboard version installed.


    Also owning Halo 2 and downloading its updates help since they did do something about Loading problems with that Double sided DVD.


    Thats all I have. :(


    Anyone else have other better tips feel free to follow up, we can all benefit.

  2. I'll make this as short as poss.


    On Naar Shadaar, I did not talk to the reptile guy that tell you about how to get the attention of the Exchange or who the Bounty hunters are at all. Ok


    I did all the quests I could and was stuck for like a day.

    I even went tinto Exchange HQ's set the daughter free, and killed Visquis the Squid guy dead.


    I was stuck as I said, finally in desparation I talked to everyone, finally triggereing the Reptile guy who fill you in.


    Well boom all of a sudden things start snowballing I met Mire, Fought at the docks, killed the Twins with Atton.


    and then totaly ouf of place I get a message from Visquis the squid guy that he wants to meet me in Jek Jek Tarr.


    Hey I killed him and now he lives again, Just because of faulty plot triggers very weird and shows poor and lazy work by Developer.

  3. Ok I went Light side and helped the Ilithorians, I got my ship back, but when I went to Czerka Corp, the Criminals the bounty was for just ran away.


    I even planted mines all in Czerka offices to stop them but I guess we are not supposed to since they run right through them and no boom.



    Do we find these criminals later on?


    Also the dancer I'd like to reuinte her with her boyfriend but I can't seem to set her free now that I own her.


    and lastly I have done all the quests on Telos but still can't get into the Czerka Corp dock.


    I need some guidance here I hat eto leave stuff up the air like this. :">

  4. Ok I went Light side and helped the Ilithorians, I got my ship back, but when I went to Czerka Corp, the Criminals the bounty was for just ran away.


    I even planted mines all in Czerka offices to stop them but I guess we are not supposed to since they run right through them and no boom.



    Do we find these criminals later on?


    Also the dancer I'd like to reuinte her with her boyfriend but I can't seem to set her free now that I own her.


    and lastly I have done all the quests on Telos but still can't get into the Czerka Corp dock.


    I need some guidance here I hat eto leave stuff up the air like this.

  5. (w00t) Ahhh my favorite kinda topics


    KOTOR 3 if there is one needs. Different attacks for example once you are Mainly Dark side alignment your attack animations are more aggressive dealing out more visualy severe and brutal punishment.


    and oppositely Light side we see more Graceful and fluent movements dealing out quicker and more painless deaths.



    KOTOR 3, needs to Abandon the d20 turn based style for gods sake.



    It also needs full Xbox Live awareness for example, the more friends you have online the stronger your force powers can be kinda making Xbox Live as the Force it self a grand aware ness and connection to all beings, isn't that what Xbox Live was supposed to be anyways.


    And lastly, a dedicated jump at the very least make it conext sensitive so we can pull and push objects we need more World interaction since we are glued to the grund as we run at times it looks like the world is scrolling by and we are standing in place jogging.


    Oh and Jedi's swim so do gangsters.

  6. I know I have complained alot before hey thats just me.


    Anyways anyone who has gotten the Light Saber yet. Does it "clip" or non collision detect right thrugh people and walls like beofre or does it leave a glowingmark like it should as if some thing hot passed by there.





    On a side not 7.5 from 1up Is so Bias, I hope it doesn't represent EGM's score I know EGM and 1up.com are Ownd by Sony and 1up Skews the reviews in Sony's favor so harshly, of course they would not give it a true score, plus they basically say the entire game is waay better than Part 1 but since the graphics are the same that why it gets a 7.5. Just Bias don't pay attention to it ignore them, I hope EGM score more accuratelly they tend to.

  7. Your right Ghost of anakkin (lame name)


    but anyways with all my disapointemnst its till worthy of a buy


    and with all its flaws which are many I still like its story


    I always said since day one al I wanted was a new story and Sabers casting glows thats all.


    and No Xbox Live to fix glitchs and patch collsion detection/clippin is inexcuseable


    sequels should have more features not Less.

  8. I'm hoping wal-Mart will have it EB says SHIPS on 12/6 so they get it Tuesday.



    I know for a fact that Wal-Mart has it "in stock" in store my buddy that works there saw it.


    and I called and verified it.


    I hope it doesn't have a big orange street date sensitive sticker on it like Halo 2 did.



    Kaybee toys stores likes to break street dates they have that rep.



    Any tips would help

  9. I have to stop pointing out the negatives and focus on the positives I really do look forward to this title.


    Flowing and Robes that sway now.


    weather FX


    Being a Sith Jedi Assasain will be the unstopable sub class


    HK 50 is back thats worth $49.99 right there as long as its the same voice guy and jokes.


    Cooler Items new crystals, Saber color white


    Solving cool mysteries


    varied comabt animations

  10. Jedipodo that was a nice post reply, but It sucks for us cuz the Dev says We doubled the frame rate, then they say it went back down, I'd like to know why it went back down and what caused it specifics alittle.



    also we cut loading imes in half, but then we started loading bigger areas and its now the same loading times but double sized areas.


    I would have been happy with the original sized world but all that needed fixing was going into Doors and Shops that indoor out door transition should have been fixed.


    Don't belive everything The Dev Obsisidan says alot its true but we are not getting the full story here, alot is covering up for mistakes and Lazyness.


    Having no Xbox Live is "unexcuseable" and I'll be the firt to sign a Pettition to Excluded Obsidian from working on another KOTOR game.


    All I wanted from the first day of playing K1 was Saber Glows, the rest was fine give me a new story new items and that it NO they could'nt fix One simple thing. Saber Glows!!!!!!!!

  11. Boi this game could have used another hour in the overn to finsih cooking.


    Getting it on xbox I'm gonna feel like a Beta Tester.



    Can anyone answer this I don't rember did day shift to night on the fly in part 1 ?


    Plus I doubt the game will score higher than a 9.3 maily cuz Part 1 had xbox live and part 2 doesn't these guy got it reversed The Sequel should have more features NOT LESS!


    Plus the game "ships" on The 8th so we can buy it on the 9th or 10th



    I wonder why IGN said K2 feels buggier hmmm.

  12. :)


    Obsisdian just handed 2004's Game of the Year honors to world of Warcraft, no shame in that. but sad


    Xbox GOTY Halo 2 I was hoping K2 would win but 8.5 on graphics no way

    PC GOTY World of Warcraft

    GameCube GOTY Metroid



    Overall winner of the coveted 2004 Game of the Year overall, its between Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, and PC's WoW




    These guys just handed it away. I said it from day one if the would have just included real time Saber Glows (the Xbox does have Hardware T&L) it would have affected the code much they would have easily got 9.5 on graphics for one simple thing


    Instead Longer Load Times slighly bigger worls slightly and frame rate issues


    AT LEAST KOTOR 1 HAD XBOX LIVE to be able to fix bugs

  13. My worst fears cometh true. 8.5 on both presentation and graphics what was Obsidian smoking?


    No changes from, day to night in real time, no saber glow effects huge collision detection problems, and dialog with two talking heads just moving their lips, and no Xbox Live to fix any issues Longer Load Times? Hoooowhat kill me


    With a games as complex as a 45 hour long d20 RPG, and no Bug Patching ability oh boy let the bugs fly, and don't get me started on collision detection.


    alot of this stuff was forgiveable in K1 but not now.


    and why can't day sift into knight on the fly heck Zelda Ocarina of Time could and that was 8 years ago on the N64. Lazy Dev I said it even before the first screen shots and I saw no Saber glows in almost 2 years of work.


    If anything I could understand the Story being weak since sequels have trouble there but on the technology stand point that inexcuseable.


    9.3 is nothing to be proud of it won't score higher anywhere wait till EGM gives it 8.7 and a silver

  14. So I hear as we all have that K2 has realtime weather effects but what about


    Day shifting to night on the fly did K1 have this?


    as i said previously i would be cool to have to go to places only at night


    like to meet a kholto smuggler but he would only be there when its night time and rainy jst like real life drug dealers.







    EDITED: Even joking, Obsidian does not condone the facilitation of illegal activities. Though this was likely - hopefully meant in jest, I would encourage not posting in such a manner.



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