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Everything posted by ChaosWolfX

  1. I must say the problem you described sounds very odd! Do you by any chance have 2 drives? If so check them both. Though you probably already know this but Try finding the "Lucas Arts" folder,if all else fails......well as much of a pain as it is i highly suggest you rei-install Windows(whatever version you have) You could of course try this method: Start>Search and type Star Wars,Lucas Arts etc. and see if Windows can find the files. But in all honesty this problem you described is very odd indeed i have never heard of someone having this kind of problem :S Usually people's Uni-Installer is corrupt but not the whole folder disappearing...... Sorry that i couldn't be of much help
  2. pny verto geforce fx 5200 256mb pci <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Your Graphics Card should run it fine,though you wont be maxing out the graphic settings but you most Definitely will run the game at smooth fps at about Low-Medium settings.
  3. Sorry but this post just makes me irritated,just because they haven't attempted at fixing the bug in well over 2-3 years and they wont ever fix it that makes it acceptable? See this is exactly why Developers/Publishers get away with things,people don't speak up......... But me personally i have not experienced a single bug in the game,but that doesn't mean other people have the same luck as me. Lucas Art's have seriously messed up the opportunity to have a classic title in their hands. But no they had to rush it
  4. Try increasing your virtual memory that way when your system runs out of memory it uses up Hard Drive space instead of making your System a dead-zombie Right click my Computer>Advanced Tab>Settings(for Performance)>Advanced>Virtual Memory(Change) For example i set mine to 3gb you could set your's to about 2........... If that doesn't work i highly suggest you rei-install the games,then see if you have updated your drivers to to latest version. After that i highly suggest you Defragment your Hard-Drive......it may take a while based on how big it is. But it's well worth it and it will feel like you just installed a new copy of Windows
  5. Also if you're feeling up to it, Start>Run>Type in "DxDiag" That will bring you to a list which has your systems information, Now let Dxdiag load,after the green bar stops loading click on,Display Tab. That should tell you what version you have and what Manufacturer your cards belongs to. You could try reinstalling the game and graphic drivers.
  6. Yep,i know how to use the search feature but i cant seem to find it i don't even know the name of the topic.In any case i give up i shall just stick with my own builds Thank you for your contribution to my topic it means a lot to me
  7. Hi,about 5-8 months ago i was browsing these forums and i stumbled across a topic,which gave out Character Builds. But it wasn't normal builds,these were trying to recreate Yoda,Luke Skywalker,Darth Vader,Obi-wan Kanobi etc. And i think they were official builds :S i'm not sure......so i'm wondering does anyone still have that information somewhere? I will be forever grateful if someone can link me to that topic or that kind of information. I'm not sure if you understood me as i'm having a hard time trying to understand what the hell i said But yeah basically the topic was about Skills/Feats,Stats etc. to recreate the character we loved in the Movies 1-6...... Anyways i hope you understood me Thanks in advance.
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