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Judge Hades

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Posts posted by Judge Hades

  1. First off, was Knights of the Old Republic 2 announced at some point? Until I see anything other than supposition I will reserve judgement on whatever Obsidian has in the works.


    Also Visceris, on what grounds can you make such a sweeping statement as "All the games Black Isle has produced in the past have been overrated..." You are entitled to your opinion, but to automatically dismiss those of people who have enjoyed BI titles such as Planescape Torment, the Baldur's Gate Saga et al is a touch hypocritical, wouldn't you agree?


    On that note, let Obsidian produce a track record and then make judgements from that; then your views might have more integrity to them.

    That isn't the real Visceris, for your information. Frankly I loved all the old BIS games and still play them on a regular basis. Fallout, Fallout 2, Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate 2, Planescape: Torment, Icewind Dale, and Icewind Dale 2. I like them all.

  2. I harp on **** as much as the next guy, Megatron. I don't even consider them as a viable publisher/developer any more. I simply voiced my opinions, they voice their opinions and the insults. Even though my opinions weren't popular I did try to be as civil as possible over there. At the end of the day, they just weren't worth the effort. They were too obsessed with Fallout and Tim Caine can do no wrong to be worth talking to.

  3. Actually I gave decently varied amount of postings there in length, but in the end it just wasn't worth the time and energy to As I said the constant barrage of insults, spam, and gay porn kind of turn one off of such a forum. I wouldn't recommend that place to anyone.


    Also pwned isn't a word and with such debates I held my own till they decided to throw in personal attacks and ruin the whole point of debating. Nothing you can say will change my views on RPGCodex. Insults, Spam, and Gay Porn. Thats all they are about.

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