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About kobrakai

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  1. No. Deadfire is still in PS plus extra and MS wouldn't do anything like that when they are buying Activision and trying to convince everyone that they will not be removing games from other platforms. Also the game is back on PSN since Yesterday after a few weeks. But no message why it was unavailable until now.
  2. Hi. The game used to be a part of PS plus Extra. It's been removed from there, but it was also removed from PSN completely. So now I have the game installed, but I am not able to play it, nor am I able to buy it. What happened and why is the game no longer for sale on PSN? Thanks for the answer.
  3. Here is the other one. Regards Those are really great. Thank you.
  4. How about these two? A barbarian and a stalker
  5. I had issues with FPS getting to low 20's in Neketaka on my gtx 970. New drivers fixed it and now the FPS are around 60 all the time on max details. The only problem I have is slight screen tearing when moving the camera. Might force V-sync in control panel. I haven't tried that yet. So if you got FPS issues, check your driver and maybe run a clean installation of it.
  6. Has nobody requested a Jon Snow portrait for a Ranger (Stalker)/Paladin build? He would be perfect with his wolf companion. If someone could please make one on which he does not look like he is going to cry.
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