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About Malavai

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  1. Yep, it's a thing. Spoilering this for wall of text purposes, also I MAY me wrong with naming some of the lines (they aren't specified in the text) This is a direct copy paste mind you, all I've fixed is the formatting.
  2. Well, this is sort of revolting, but not for the reasons you stated. By "Aloth is rather unenthused about this and talks to you about it" I can only surmise that he is an unwilling participant is this little threesome, which is obviously not okay. He's unenthused, but it's kinda handwaved away by "Aloth wants Iselmyr to be happy after he talks to you so we all treat it like it's ok", which (to me personally) doesn't really make it much better. Especially since Iselmyr openly pranks both Eder AND Aloth with it a few times, like when she makes a move to get Eder to kiss her then lets Aloth take over again just as he's about to be snogged by Eder then laughing at them both, for example.
  3. Oop, I just sent Ontarah a message about this because I was still locked by the 5 posts per day thing at the time but it looks like it's been cleared up! The files are located in PillarsOfEternityII_Data > exported > localized > en > text > conversations > companions and then the file name is companion_relationship_aloth_eder You can open it up in Notepad if that's all you have, though the formatting is a bit janky.
  4. Oh! All good, my apologies also for misunderstanding. :D
  5. Whaaaaat. Okay, I'm perfectly fine with Eder not being an option for the Watcher, but THIS (if true) really does seem like trolling on the devs' part. What the heck. It's in the game data! I dunno the rules on image linking on this forum, but I can screenshot all the Eder/Iselmyr stuff and chuck it in an Imgur gallery or give you the directions to the data file itself for you to read if you need the proof.
  6. You got any information for a Pallegina romance? I read through what I could find and unless I've missed something it seems like Pallegina isn't an option for anyone, even other companions. Sorry. :/
  7. Well that's both fair and true. I think it's a good thing that some people are completely unattainable, it is as you say, realistic. It's less that I'm concerned about Eder being player unromanceable (I don't personally care either way, just got nosey with the game data and thought that tidbit was interesting), but it's at odds with previous information given by the character. His whole thing with rejecting the Watcher is either "I'm really sorry but I don't like men" for male watchers, or "I haven't even thought about any romantic relationships for years, so that's why I haven't even tried to think about you that way" for female watchers. Not direct quotes ofc, but those are the points he lays out. And then he potentially goes and hooks up with someone who is at best an occasional consciousness in a man's body, so he was either lying to the watcher about his reasons (which is a mean thing to do to someone you respect) or he has been inconsistently written, both of which some people may see as narratively frustrating.
  8. So I went digging through the companion data text files out of curiosity, and Eder is definitely not player romance-able, which is gonna be a major bummer to a lot of people. He also doesn't get together with Xoti, it seems, which will cheer everyone up again until the read the next part. ... He can, however, and as a disclaimer I haven't gotten it to trigger in-game yet so I don't know if this is actually implemented or not, but he can get together with Poor Watcher tho, no Eder for him/her.
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