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About Lordgorzul

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  1. I have 4 different questions on this forum many days later there are zero responses. What is the point of the forums?
  2. In the latest patch it says you can unllnk your microsoft to play multiplayer on Steam. But what if I already have a world on multiplayer? Wouldnt unlinking microsoft also remove all those save games? Important to know before making that step.
  3. I have the same issue been playing the game with my kid for a month, I am the host, just him and I. We just played 3 hours, I have the max 10 saves. We went out for a bit now we came back to play another hour all the save games are gone. Like the image posted by OP. I really hope we didnt just lose 1 month of progress. Obsidian games are infamous for savegame issue I am also unable to save altogether on POE2 but thast another much older story. Beyond frustrating.
  4. Hello everyone. Im having the same issue. I cannot save, my issue is exactly as OP described it, verbatim. I tried everything, making a new game installing on different drives, not matter what I do, Save will not save the game. I hope someone has a solution for this or else I cannot play the game.
  5. Hi everyone, its now late 2024. Wit Avowed coming, I felt like continuing POE II as I reached about half way back in 2021. However Im having exactly the same issue as Large Father, to the T. Only autosave works but you cannot make a new save. And none of the proposed solutions work for me. Has this been solved somehow by now?
  6. Raedric is absolutely not crazy. He knows exactly what he is doing. He is a very, very bad man, and a very, very bad ruler. Here's a really easy way to tell the difference between a good ruler and a bad one: good rulers' lands are not on the verge of open revolt and kept in check only by mass indiscriminate public executions. Raedric definitely deserves to die. That doesn't necessarily mean Kolsc deserves to rule, but at least he isn't a mass-murderer. It doesn't matter, though, because regardless of who you pick everyone dies. With that in mind, I would say that killing Raedric is extremely satisfying, especially after he brags about murdering his own wife in cold blood because she tried to keep him from murdering their child, all while he's in the process of squeezing the life out of his people. Do it early on and you even get to do it again later! thanks for all the spoilers.
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