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About Jahzirr

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Location
    Poznan, Poland
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  • Interests
    Books, loads of books (mostly fantasy and sci-fi), games (duuh - rich storytelling ones, but competitive multiplayer too - R6S lately a lot), music, anime and food.
  1. I've made both Cipher and Druid, tho for Cipher I took antipathetic field and mind wave. I've didn't read your suggestion Boer before that, so I'm just gonna roll with it. The character is a Hearth Orlan, starting with pike, I plan on getting him enchanted greatsword with shock dmg when I won't be using the Firebrand. As for Druid i took Moon Godlike (all the Godlikes look so freakin awesome, that I almost took one for my Cipher too xD ) and I took cat form instead of boar - just becouse of personal preference. I distrubuted attributes as you suggested, with lowest being 10 (I didn't min/max at all, I hope my characters won't end up being too average), and for Cipher I added some int too. I will see how it goes.
  2. Okay, I've decided to put away ranger for now. So.. The Firebrand is a summoned sword, if I understand correctly - from the items you wrote about earlier, yes? Sounds kinda cool. Hah, the whole day went by and I still didn't start playing the game, and you know what guys? I have this very problem with every single RPG game, give it be single player or MMO. It takes me ages to decide what I want to play. Cipher/Druid stayed, but I added Monk and Barb to my options now, so it's not going too great. I think I'll just roll a dice and see what happens. I'm still not totaly convinced about Barb, Monk seems like could be interesting. I would even go and try the unarmed way maybe. 2 main choices are still Cipher and Druid and I think the first run will be with one of them. Even - Cipher Odd - Druid. Rolling a D20 Got 6. Okay! I'm going with Cipher and I'll try out what you suggested me Boeroer. Now I just need to find out where are those items you suggested. What's the thing with choosing Doemenel Faction? That one I might pass on, couse I will probably go with my instinct/emotions, rather than with build
  3. @Boeroer - that is a great advice there and thanks for that! I don't know yet the abbilities or items you wrote about, since I have yet to start the game, but I should be able to figure it out, or just check them on wiki, if there is one somewhere. I'm realy impressed by the ranger guide - it was fun to read and had a lot of detail. The only problem I've got with your advice is that I'm even more confused about which one to choose and play first xD And it is quite a problem, since my work takes a lion share of my time. Add sleep to it and I don't have that much time for games as I would like, so checking out all 3 classes might prove hard. Also for Cipher - would there be and option to instead of fire greatsword have a lightning greatsword? xD Anyway - thanks for the reply, it will help a lot after I finaly decide which class to pick.
  4. Monk wouldn't be better if he went on unarmed rather than with weapon? Also his style of being beaten to beat up enemies isn't that appealing to me. As for barbarian - in most games I consider them a brutal meat heads and I'm looking for someone more 'charismatic' or intelligent to roleplay. Paladin doesn't sound bad, never played a paladin in any of my games, but I might think of him a bit.
  5. Hiho! I'm Jahz and I'm new to this forum and PoE. I have to start with - "Sorry for my english", couse it can suck at times. Okay, now before I post my question I need to give you guys some background: I haven't played a lot of old-style cRPG games. Only a few quite a long time ago already and tbh I never was a smart man, more of a straighforward one so I need some help from you guys. By not being smart I mean - I suck at micromanagement of my characters and figuring out good tacticks to use, so I'm probably going for normal difficulty and I'm not realy looking for MIN/MAXing my character, I prefer a little more balanced one. Mainly I have problem with deciding which class to start playing with, which race would be best for it and some build examples or tips for building my beloved avatar. Let's start with my playstyle: I love playing a melee characters, with some mix of magic added to them and optional ranged in some situations. As for weapons I go mostly for 2handed swords and scythes (which are not included in this game if I'm right ). I also have an affinity for animals and nature. As for the last part I prefer being a DPS class with some light/medium armor options. Mostly light one probably. So now we can easily limit our class choices to: - cipher - becouse it would be best fit for melee/magic style I think - ranger - has a combat pet, duuuh~ xD - druid - with this one I would be leaning more towards some kind of shapeshifter focused build. - if there is a class I missed out by accident then please add it in your post too! And now - could you guys tell me, which one would be best for a beginner and my playstyle? How to build my character up? Which skills to take, talents, attributes etc? Should I micromanage my NPC companions too? Or is their auto level system pretty good? Which race would be a best pick for those classes (I was mostly looking at the Orlan, Godlike or Elf race)? I hope you all can push me in the right direction to make that first run of mine a great experience!
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