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Posts posted by djinnxy

  1. Yeah that's why I tried the ranger. I thought the huge accuracy might make up the difference and kill it. I'm back to working on gimmicky builds, but trying to figure out how to use just the A.I. now instead. If the Woedica Priest's writ of war works on it I'll try that with Tactician and use withdraw to gain brilliance. If that doesn't work I'm thinking Steel Garrote/Beckoner using the garrote to keep it from healing and using the electric aoe to kill summons to regain zeal. The only other thing I can think of that has a tier 2 or higher con affliction is rogue. The only gear that reliably keeps it from healing is a weak robe and you need to stay bloodied for it to work. There's loads of tier 1 con debuffs that it just resists.


    Edit: Gah! I was mixing up the garrote ability and the forbidden fist. The forbidden fist has enfeeble. Either way I think I'm just going to try a full party run using an arcane archer pure or multi as the mc. 


    Nobody went there the last time this was asked so I'll say it. Band of thieves. A full rogue/rogue multiclass party would be awesome. I'd run a pure rogue(dps), steel garrote/debonaire(dps/heal), assassin/cipher(dps/cc/buff), trickster/forbidden fist(off-tank), and bloodmage/streetfighter(tank/debuff)

     Not entirely what I ment but damn am I going to try this! 

    Which weapons etc. would you recommend for this build?



    To answer the previous question (I apologize for the miscommunication)...

    I'd try some fighter/rogue combo. I like the idea of 5 tactician/assassins that hit from invisibility with arterial strike and watch everything run back and forth while bleeding to death. 


    To answer your current question would take several pages so I'll just generalize.


    The tank and off tank would be sword and board. Small shield for the monk with both twf and sword and board. Use the  Large/Medium shield for the wizard. Focus deflection on the monk and armor on the wizard. The wizard could go either really.


    The debonair would be the highest damage 2-hander appropriate for the enemies of each battle to maximize the crits and healing. Max int and might. There are a couple that have good heal effects, both ranged and melee.


    The dps pure rogue take 2-weapon fighting with flail and or stiletto (particularly Rust's Poignard.)


    The assassin/cipher I'd take twf with blunderbuss and pistol. For the up close and personal stealth attack vs. single target I'd use dual sabres with the modal to maximize the damage. I'd take a bunch of low level charms and save the high level stuff for giving brilliant to the party or a big stealth attack (generally speaking.) You could go beguiler, soul blade, or acendant. Each would have benefits and drawbacks for the character and the team. This one will be squishy, but valuable. You'll have to protect it.


    In retrospect it might not be a bad idea to make the pure rogue the assassin or make it a second cipher to keep brilliant on the whole team. You could also multiclass it priest for casting withdraw on the assassin/cipher or healing/buffing it and the whole team.


    There's a lot of directions you could go with an all rogue multiclass party. This is just me kind of thinking... out loud?? Thinking in text...


    181 def against vessel

    184 acc against vessel

    17 base

    18 slash

    14 pierce

    a.i. set to give the golpact +4 at 1/4 health hasn't gone off yet in 3 hours.

    158 con with double reductions to afflictions

    125% healing. paladin modal and 2 rings of greater regen

    Fair Favor and Bonesetter's torc for crits


    It's just a first run at testing it against him. I'll play around with gear tomorrow and try to optimize if possible.


    Edit: Apparently the affliction reduction doesn't matter or the fortitude. The extra health helps to absorb the brutal cleave. I could give up a few con for some dex to add to the speed of attacks, which would make a huge difference in cutting the time down.


    How's the progress on your build Djinxy? 



    It can tank it for hours, but eventually a string of bad rolls kills it. Several crits or interrupts  in a row kill it depending on gear. The longest it lasted was 5-6 hours. I haven't found a way to get it to stay up while strictly using auto attack to put him down. Moving gear and stats around to add to damage or take away from it's healing have resulted in shorter times staying alive so far. The odds are definitely on the house. I'll give it another go tonight.


    The challenge is keeping it from healing massive amounts. Even if I can cut that down by a few percentage points it makes a huge difference.

  4. Nobody went there the last time this was asked so I'll say it. Band of thieves. A full rogue/rogue multiclass party would be awesome. I'd run a pure rogue(dps), steel garrote/debonaire(dps/heal), assassin/cipher(dps/cc/buff), trickster/forbidden fist(off-tank), and bloodmage/streetfighter(tank/debuff)

    • Like 2
  5. 181 def against vessel

    184 acc against vessel

    17 base

    18 slash

    14 pierce

    a.i. set to give the golpact +4 at 1/4 health hasn't gone off yet in 3 hours.

    158 con with double reductions to afflictions

    125% healing. paladin modal and 2 rings of greater regen

    Fair Favor and Bonesetter's torc for crits


    It's just a first run at testing it against him. I'll play around with gear tomorrow and try to optimize if possible.


    Edit: Apparently the affliction reduction doesn't matter or the fortitude. The extra health helps to absorb the brutal cleave. I could give up a few con for some dex to add to the speed of attacks, which would make a huge difference in cutting the time down.


    I made a ghostheart/goldpact that can face tank dorudugan all day long potd upscaled. Might even kill him. I'll let it run for a while to see and post the build.


    Yep, armor stacking works against Dorudugan as shown by Kaylon's build. Think you might be better off with Unbroken/Goldpact. 


    It's partially armor stacking. I don't have it stacked as high as that build. It's also part deflection stacking, part heal % stacking, and part accuracy stacking. It's still up and almost down to hurt. Making use of the Beast Claw on vessels before the fight for a +40 def and acc. Still not sure how I get it twice but I repeated on another build. Might be E.I. causes it???

  7. For most situations human. 

    Mountain Dwarves downgrade to con affiction is helpful. It's bad when you lose your healing ability if you depend on it for face tanking in potd upscale solo.

    Either of the elf races. Probably the wood elf is better with the downgrade to dex afflictions.

    For builds that focus on buffing power level the one extra from Nature Godlike is nice.

    Barbarians have nice synergy with death godlike. Any combo with that race and class is probably the best in game at taking out the trash mobs.

    In a party situation or with summons solo Hearth orlan has a nice boost to accuracy at times.

    For some solo the other orlan. Getting a bad resolve affliction can be the end of things.

    For healer types the +2 might from Amaua makes heals that much better.

  8. e. I've had lots of luck using dual weapon and weapon with shield both. If you pick up one of the small shields (or the one medium) that can be used as an off hand weapon you can capitalize on the trickster's already outstanding deflection from mirror image. And you don't sacrifice any damage. Riposte works pretty well with this set up in most situations.


    With that setup you will still out-damage single weapon and still have the deflection. If you have Seeker, Slayer dlc aim for the shield called Best Defense. Until that point you can use Tuotilo's Palm. For the squishier fights you can just use your 2 best weapons. 

  9. It's viable for most of the game and maybe even solo. Bosses solo won't happen. Druid has no resource regeneration. Also you can only use one summon at a time except the pl7 chanter skeletons. For solo play you will rely mostly on the chanter "half" because druid spells will run out. In a party it would be great though.

    • Like 1
  10. Great build idea for Doru... I like anything Tactician for mega boss battles. I was trying a solo Tactician/Bloodmage as well, but DPS isn’t quite there yet.


    It is weak on electric and then blunt. Of course it helps to bypass armor so anything raw or minoletta's. I haven't tried it but my take would be to use the summons, electric, and ball and chain with the flail modal to take down it's dex. I'd try moonwell scrolls and ofc wall of draining. Whether I take it down with what I've got now or not that might be my next project. I've got it down to almost hurt. Really slow on turn based.

  11. I'm working on making trickster/tactician work vs Dorudugan. I can come close to making it work without cheesing it. Possibly on this respec. It works well against most things with a riposte, high disengagement and deflection. For Dorudugan I respecced twice already. Third time may do it. The trick is to vanish for 2 rounds and step back to gain brilliant tactician and re-engage. I tried with battleaxe modal and with blinding strike gouging strike, but if you are doing ongoing dot damage to it it seems to not allow brilliant from disappearing and disengaging. I'm working on whittling it down with animancer blade. A few attacks before he spams the fire and then retreat and repeat.


    The main things are to have renewable resources first and foremost then high accuracy, deflection, and fortitude. If every other class could just spam skeletons it would certainly even the odds.

  12. I was looking for this today and found the item code by using "FindGameData Hullbreaker"


    The cheat command for this after Iroll20s is "GiveItem SHP_UP_Cannon_Hullbreaker"


    I hope that saves the next guy some time. I spent several minutes searching for ship upgrade item codes and could not find anything using google. Every other item in the game seems to be listed though.


    You can find the rest of the cannon item codes using "FindGameData SHP_UP_Cannon"


    All other ship upgrade items are listed with "FindGameData SHP_UP"

    • Like 1
  13. As with about 1/3 of the posts I read on here this inspired a new build for me. It is a riposte and crit build with lots of attacks coming from disengagement attacks incoming and outgoing. I haven't hashed out all the details yet, but here's what I've managed to come up with so far. There's a fair number of extra attacks. We aren't worried about base penetration because we're relying on a high crit chance.


    Hearth Orlan for party based. In theory any human or wood elf would be more optimal for solo which I have not tested. Testing as always is upscale potd. I'm currently trying turn based as I feel obligated to test it.


    Shattered Pillar/Trickster


    The goal is to reach as high of accuracy/crit as possible while maintaining a high deflection and disengagement defense. The retaliation comes from disengagement and or gear.


    20 perception and 19 resolve on hearth orlan.


    Both two weapon fighting and sword and shield (see below for gear.)


    Key monk features are..


    Swift Flurry, Blade Turning, Heartbeat drumming, and Stunning Surge.


    Key trickster features are all of the trickster specials and...


    Escape, Fast Runner, Riposte, any crit based passive, any damage passive, and Persistent Distraction. The actives are flexible.





    Griffins Blade: 50% chance to daze on crit.


    Shield: The best defense: Shaken on crit. Pierce/Crush bash. % Frighten on kill.


    Armor: Nomad's Brigandine: Great disengagement protection.



    Head Fair Favor or Champion's Helm: crits with swords and riposte respectively


    Neck: Bonesetter's Torc: Crits


    Ring of Minor Deflection and Entonia Signet: Both for deflection


    Boots of Speed: Disengagement defense and speed


    Back: Champions Cape: riposte and attack speed and damage


    Hands: Gatecrashers: 15% knockdown on crit and +1 might


    Waist: Undying Burden


    Pet: Pes: melee damage and crits  or  Socrates: 20 health on kill and 3 deflection


    I almost forgot skills...



    A few points in athletics for the 2 second winds.

    Explosives for the nice debuffs.



    For now I'm just pumping Bluff for the rp. I'm sure there's a more optimal distribution...

  14.      Turn based is making me realize just how critical accuracy and penetration are in upscale PotD party. RTwP it is easier to see past it because 1 miss or no pen doesn't seem to matter as much when there's several hits over a few seconds to a minute depending on how fast you run. Casting seems to be at somewhat of a disadvantage because you can only cast every other turn for most spells. It seems like effectiveness of spells will have to be tweaked for balance??


         I'm currently trying an Ancient/Stalker (bear/bear.) I haven't had the animal companion go down once. (yes I know solo guys don't like rangers, but turn based is as tedious as I can tolerate. Solo would put me to sleep.) Not even close to going down for that matter so there is something to be said for controlling every single move in TB play. The sporelings are nice to add bodies but they don't add much damage except the trash mobs they can hit and penetrate. The animal companion does a nice amount of damage though. I've waltzed through the first section of the game fairly easily with it (with a few naps in between because TB is so slow it puts me to sleep.)


         I'm considering re-rolling Shifter/Stalker. The DPS output should be better and it exchanges a couple of bodies for some added healing. Seems like a win. Basically any combo that compliments the animal companion by giving it pen and/or armor and putting DoT and afflictions on mobs will work.  Of course I am running a party so I wouldn't need to limit myself. Anyone have any good stalker builds? I can see that a chanter, priest, or paladin would work well with it. Anything that grants tenacious, energized, or just + pen comes fairly late so it doesn't pay to build strictly around it so even a cipher would work. 

  15. Just some food for thought. Consider dual wield with bardatto's luxury and skull crusher or as a second set for blunt resistant/immune rust's poignard and kapana taga. Not only a chance to lower fortitude via afflictions but a chance to knock down. I assume you're not talking a solo run so your companions could throw in lots of druid, rogue, wiz and priest debuffs that attack fort too. An interesting approach, but with no solid full tank in the mix.

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  16. Unbending shield would give you resolute to regain concentration if you could heal fast enough without unbending trunk. I'm not sure resolute solves the problem of interrupts as fast as it attacks.


    edit: Anything that would grant courageous to make you immune to interrupt could be kept up indefinitely. I don't have the time to look around now though. The only thing that comes to mind is outworn buckler.

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