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Everything posted by madson4562

  1. To update my original post, the same night I posted that reply I had one crash issue during travel. After that, like you, the occasional times it did crash were more often during a save than travel, although both happened a few more times. Definitely MUCH better than before but it is a pain to have to manually save (and do so often). Once the issue was corrected, though, I blew through the rest of the game in just over a day. What I found that worked best (although still not perfect) was having 2 manual save files, and each time I would choose to save (which wasn't every load screen, but probably every 2-3 load screens), I would choose the older save file to overwrite. So constantly alternating save files. I'm a bit obsessive compulsive so this probably wasn't necessary, but that way I never lost much of my playtime, and ***IF***, god forbid, the save file corrupted completely, I wouldn't have to download the application saved data from online storage, which is only backed up once a day at best. Good luck on the rest of your playthrough. No spoilers, but the ending is very good and A LOT of choices you make in the game (especially during the last act) have an effect on the ending narrative, so make good choices!
  2. Wanted to let you know that you're not the only one with that issue. It's been happening to me over the last week or more, and didn't begin happening on a regular basis until I was in Act III and almost finished with WM2. But it was occurring multiple times an hour, and then having to suffer through re-booting the game and sign in, inordinate load times, made the game almost unplayable. BUT... I *think* I may have found a solution! Do you have the autosave feature turned on? If so, turn it off. I've had it on my entire playthrough, but turned it off a few hours ago to see if it made a difference. The first 10 or so load screens I entered, I saved right before travelling. No issues. Since then, I've gone through another 10+ load screens without even saving except after finishing a quest and haven't had an issue. Granted, this needs to be confirmed further, but so far it's working for me. Give it a shot and see if you have any luck. And I may be imagining this, but honestly, I feel like the load times have improved as well, with the game not simultaneously having to think about saving while loading. The load times are still ridiculous, but it's more bareable, and I'm getting much more questing done. Good luck to ya!
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