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Everything posted by Caelis

  1. Don't quite remember it that way Hm. Let's not, it would probably make me look a little childish Well, not that outstanding. I always hope people don't ask that question, it always makes things sound a lot less cool. It's history, and after my master I'll still be unemployed no matter what grades I get :D But still, there are more boring things one can study.
  2. Odd, how after having once spent two years of your life completely wasting your time spamming some gaming forum, four years later this is the only thing google finds when you type in your name. I'd be surprised if one of you even remembered me. Anyway, if someone does, how've you been? As for me, after I got banned from the interplay forums for some reason I don't remember, I actually got a life. Maybe it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Afterwards, I finished my bachelor wih credit, and now I'm doing my master in Bologna (italy), having loads of fun with other international students. But, as you see, I'm still nerdy enough to want to recall memories of internet forum days. So how've you guys been?
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