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  1. Ah, the MMO is slightly ahead of it's time anyway. Who would like to pay money monthly for playing a game, even online, that's after buying it, and to enjoy it, they have to get a good internet connection, and most would really like to upgrade their systems after they run their new buy first time. People are really demanding in graphics today, but high quality graphics on a MMORPG will require more resources. Plus there are not enough people who would be able or would want to spend money on that, so an MMO wouldn't really promise enough revenue to cover up the costs. It would be easier and much more enjoyable by polayers after the ".produkkt" technology is complete and out on the market, and it would be wise to wait for big-end industries to get their fiberglass technologies to a decent level, both of them combined would produce greater bandwidth worlds along with much less bandwidth per person, which would supply a dramatic decrease in cost of hosting and transferring data online, which would make a great opportunity for all kinds of MMO's. Moreover, if fiberglass becomes usable for chipsets, there would be a dramatic increase in overall bandwidth and speed of the computer (bandwidth being the amount of data being able to be transferred through the ports and busses.) And as I previously said, the .produkkt will influence the data too. So wait another couple decades, revolutionary technologies are coming up: fiberglass is already in use for networking, while the .produkkt has already shown itself in making a game with video quality of DOOM3 in only 96kb of space. For those, who don't know, .produkkt, or .theprodukkt is a tool of packing data into extremely small sizes (a game of 96kb in size contains a few levels, with animated models of a considerable number of enemies, a few weapons to use, and a graphic engine of DOOM3 level, all models are highly detailed, and the engine utilizes version 2 shaders, the game comes with good audio part.) The game is called ".kkrieger" The technology is developed by a talented team of german "ultra geeks" (if that means anything to you.) (And Sony is still working on one-layer 40GB dvd disks and recyclable paper cd and dvd disks.)
  2. Heh... I think it would be better to break the arguments into possibilities. Lightsaber- A hilt, which can be triggered to get the extremely hot and glowing tube out of it. Pissiblities? The first instinct would be to think it's energy (lazer technologies) wrong: the lazer is a ray of energy in the form of volumetric light and heat, as we all know, the rays may not have an end in any case (unless the emmiter is off, and then it becomes a line travelling infinitely in the direction of emmiting, which still means no end to advancement of it.) If it is energy in any form, than there would have to be a perfect reflector on the top. This would bring the necessity of the central pole in the blade, which holds the reflecting disk (or whatever the form you imagine it,) and of course not only it would be hard to really stop it (although it would solve the question of power use, just one shot is enough o keep it up forever,) but any tiniest fluctuation of the reflectors (One must also then be included at bottom) would result in colossal outcomes. Thus pure energy blade for the lightsaber if made, still requires something solid in it, and will involve risks beyond measure, which makes it obsolete. The next thing I though of would be another combination of light and heat - Plasma. Plasma, unlike energy, is a state of substance, furthermore, it has side effects of extreme heat and light emmission. Also, unlike energy, plasma is substantial, thus is dependant on gravity. All we need is the plasma to take the form of a cylinder, which may be achieved by extreme magtnetic fields... This would still require something solid in the blade, but would take care of endlessness in the previous part, and allow flexibility to the blade (as it would stick to it.) Though it would be really expencive (expensive?) to create a rod which can resist temperatures so high. Thus, it might be possible, though expensive (expencive?) to create the "lightsaber" AND "lightwhip" but it would still leave the problem with turning it off and add the problem of great energy consumption... Conclusion: No "energy" weapons are possible, but plasma based recreations of idea of "lightsaber" and "lightwhip" ideas would be realistic... in... 20,000 years. =/ The question is would you use either of them. And would they be able to "reflect" the ranged attacks. Also this concept adds another point - in a "saber lock" the sword which has more gravity force drains the other lightsaber, which would make it rational to use a "blaster" in conjunction to lightsaber. P.S. This also solves the problem with physics, for the blade would have the weight of it's mass (the saber is completely substantial) enhanced with the gravity between the saber and the land (and both are emmiters, and the smaller has to have bigger value of gravity force, which would make it really hard to wield, thus a jedi would have to have an extraordinary physical development.) But it's just fiction, so I will go and enjoy it without all that crap. It's just the moment when Luke arrives at Dagobah to meet Yoda, I like the scene so much... And I wouldn't use a lightwhip...
  3. Thank you very much, you've made me happy. As for system, I believe it has been said that the requirements will be the same or not significantly different.
  4. Non-linear (Fallout 2) Freedom (Morrowind) and not only in the game, but in the modification. Graphically accurate (3Ds Max 6) LOADS of outfit items, (and LOADS to be put at once, like: 20 rings, a few medallions, pants, skirt, shirt, robe, shoes, arm bands, hat, visor, mask, armour, accessories like different kinds of belts, to be put on at the same time, of course, and all that stuff.) LOADS of property to be owned (aka Morrowind mods) Good stealth (and steals) Good physics engine (Doom3, JA) Realistic materials of precious metals (gold, silver, platinum) Good financial system PC owned NPCs (slaves, hired servants, etc.) Potential for infinite experience (aka Morrowind) Oh yeah, one major thing forgotten: Total control over PC's animation (including complicated console scripts to perform series of movements if necessary.)
  5. I always liked my PC... I always tried to enjoy the best graphics one could get out of the electronical impulse (being a very visual person and always very close to arts,) which has put the consoles aside altogether for me. And as I am into graphic design, I ask the question which bothers me almost about every game (excluding Id's products and those based on their engines): What will the graphic library for PC be - OpenGL, or direct 3D? And in case of OpenGL, which versions of that library will be supported? Will there be support of proffessional graphics chips (i.e. Quadro, Wildcat?) And will there be option to add components to the game (change the models of weapons, clothing, or adding new objects?) The question with the libraries will set the benchmark on what to expect from the game (I don't find any ports from consoles in the least fascinating, due to the poor quality of console graphics, the exception might be only Morrowind, for it's unrestricted enjoyability of gameplay and ability to create new challenges.)
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