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About Amare

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. So I just finished the game with a Rogue Spellcaster. It was more or less exactly what I was looking for, Didn't know deathblows worked with scrolls - that was really cool. By the end of the game I think I could've been more practical with a vancian spellcaster. But I certainly don't think any of them could've matched the melee capability. Would recommend. I also found myself doing more melee than spellcasting in most critical moments, but that's just probably my method of ''time'' value in battles. But what's the point of having a spellsword if you're not gonna melee ? Equipment with damaging spellbindings was my bread and butter for a while but I found myself eventually just opting out for equipment that makes me better in melee and relying on just scrolls for spells. It wasn't too bad this way, as I didn't run short of scrolls at any moments, except when I tried spamming them all in a few boss battles. Though I did play with a party, so I'm not sure how the scroll management would've been if I were solo. So to sum it all up, It is very powerful indeed, especially if you can get off a deathblow maelstorm like Boeroer mentioned but I felt like I wasn't efficient enough towards the middle-ish of white march 2 and started to be more of a regular melee rogue.
  2. Depending on which type of Cloud you have envisioned I also can see Chanter working. You can pretend you're omnislashing between each animated weapon to you summon.
  3. What's up fellas? For a final playthrough I kind of want to make a character that can bring the pain in combat with melee but still has the option to cast spells. So I wanted to ask you, what class do you think will best fill this role? Two that come to the top of my head are, of course, the Cipher and a melee Wizard but i'm not limiting it to just -these- choices (roleplaying a non-casting that uses scrolls can work too ). I don't mind squishiness as I can deal with it well enough.
  4. Oh man, Boeroer that Mr Fireball wizard build you mentioned earlier in the thread sounds amazing, i'm going to create it right now.
  5. Paladin, Wizard, Priest, Cipher, Cipher, Cipher. I had really fun time using this. The run was mostly filled with me laughing the whole time.
  6. Ah I see this got back up, I did indeed go ahead with the priest build and finished the game with it. It was really satisfying in the end. (Now time for Wizard or maybe Cipher )
  7. I'm going to import a Cipher so I can become a Seer. (Cipher+Ranger) I don't mind much about the ranger class it's just that a Seer is my absolute favorite type of character in any setting.
  8. Really now? It sounds like priests are going to be amazing at boss fights. I'll look into things that help me improve critical hits for my main character for sure then. On my priest I put as much points as I could into Might/Per/Int. This sounds like it's gonna be fun once I get it leveled up.
  9. I'm not sure if I should be asking here or not but I would love to hear some opinions on how to use 2 priests in an effective way in a 6 man party. My main character is a priest and I also want to keep Durance because he has a certain charm to him that I like. Should I use one for buffing primarily and the other for healing?
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