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Posts posted by daven

  1. On 7/29/2023 at 2:55 PM, kanisatha said:

    Well, I happen to like reading/learning about things in the world around me. So I would advocate for some form of happy medium, and would point out that for those who don't want to read/learn about stuff, they have the freedom in the game to simply avoid it all. So what the game should do is be very clear in separating things that are necessary (for quests, story, etc.) from things that are there for flavor.

    Fair point mate.

  2. On 7/14/2023 at 12:54 PM, Boeroer said:

    Iirc the original initial project name on Kickstarter was something like "something something Eternity" which they changed to Pillars of Eternitity because it sounded cool. Later they came up with the whole Adra stuff being quintessential for the way the world works and I guess it was no coincidence it fit the name nicely.

    The devs speak about this in the documentary: 


    It was Project Eternity, i thought that sounded better tbh.

  3. 6 hours ago, kronozord said:

    The best and worst improvement is the full voice acting, it really helped bring this world and its inhabitants to life.

    Its really good in some parts and terrible in others, lots of stiff delivers and voices reused for different characters that sound exactly the same. E.g. you can easily identify Woedicas voice in multiple chars with no effort to sound like a different person.

    I also hate how they wasted a lot of money voice acting stuff that could be simple animated and then complained about it. Having someone reading a bunch of sentences to describe a visual effect were the worst ones, like when you first connect to the pillar in port maje and the narrator read 3-4 paragraphs of worthless mystical mumbo jumbo, what a waste.


    I wouldn't say the worst but i also dislike the inspirations/afflictions naming, is strong better than energized or resolute, who knows? There are just too many keywords to remember, maybe for native English speakers this is trivial but not for me.

    Yes! Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 didn't have text descrbing every ****ing thing around you from what I recall. Just get to the point,

    it's boring to have to read through this ****, it doesn't add anything.

  4. On 7/7/2023 at 8:45 AM, Ogi79 said:

    Ha. This is easy. Top question for  Obsidian is    When will you make  Fallout New Vegas 2?


    PS.  See, someone already posted it .

    Ok, so  second best question is :   Will Tim Cain or Josh Sawyer be game director for New Vegas 2?


    Going by Tim Caines youtube channel, he never wants to be a project lead again.

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