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About banthafodder

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  1. Ok recently ive been having trouble using the work bench and talking to characters of my own party. Nothing happens when i click the use button for the workbench or the players in my party. My old games which never had this problem now do have it. I created a new game to see if it happens and it does. Anyone know how to fix this? My game is on xbox.
  2. How come everyone hates Jar Jar and 3PO so much. the only reason ive been told is that hes too annoying, which kinda shows short attention spans since none of them actually did activities that would envoke annoyance. Ok maybe Jar Jar, but not C-3PO. Im not saying your wrong to hate Jar Jar or C-3PO, and that a short attention span is bad, just taking note and wondering.
  3. I have a possible story idea and suggestion for KOTOR III. The main idea for KOTOR III is that your a mysterious person traveling throughout the galaxy including Alderran, Couruscant, Telos, Taris, Kashyyyk, Korriban, Dantooine, and other planets. KOTOR III: The reason your traveling throughout the galaxy is because your searching for all the people that helped Revan and the Exile. Although some have died, you dont really know that. The thing is, you know or have an idea of where they are (or last seen) and possibly what they are doing. The reason you are doing this is also unkown to you, which is revealed later on in the story, of course you mite have alrdy figured it out lol. Youll meet and gather the former characters. Heres a list though not in order, of the possible planets and their status (the character's) Alderaan - Mira - dead, but she is a jedi so her spirit meets you Kashyyyk - Zalbarr - Chieften, he comes with you and helps you find Mission - Hanharr (spelling?) - dead, in the shadowlands, side quest to find out Telos - Bao-dur (without remote) - runs one of the restoration facilites, comes w/u Couruscant - Carth - Admiral, comes w/you - Bastilla - jedi master, one of the leaders of the jedi council - Visas - a jedi knight Korriban - you come here due to rumors of sith, and u find some that try to kill u Rhen Var - The Handmaiden - she is a padawan still, but is close to becoming jedi knight at the jedi academy on Rhen var Ossus - disciple - although hes the keeper of the archives on couruscant, he came to Ossus to learn more about the past Dxun/Onderon - Mandalore - still in charge, he has preserved the mandalorian and has created new armor Now here are the ones I couldnt place. Juhani, Mission, Atton, HK, T3, G0-T0, and Jolee Bindo. Im thinking Atton and Mission should be smugglers working together, however they dont know about eachother's past and dont want to know until you show up ( just a coincidence hehe) and Atton is considered a rogue jedi and the order has tried to strip him of his light saber, but all they have been succesful at is puting him in Republic database as fugitive and wanted alive. I dont want Atton flying the Ebon Hawk when you find him cause it would be kidna stupid having him and mission not knowing about eachothers past and Mission not ever asking him where and how he got the Ebon. Im wondering if Jolee Bindo should be dead, I think he played a good role as a mentor/father of Revan, so having him alive would be a good idea I think. However if hes in the jedi order I doubt he would accept the role of a council member or master. Juhani, I have no idea, im thinking Taris or Rhen Var. T3 and HK would be together, sort of like C-3PO and R2, both in a criminal sort of business. I am wondering if i should have them piloting the Ebon Hawk and thats how you meet them. G0-T0 has been destroyed, but he put his memory and "mind" in a computer that he installed within the ebon hawk (note: he does not control the ebon) Again, youll go throughout the galaxy finding everyone so you can go into the unkown regions (KOTOR IV) and help Revan and the Exile defeat the true sith, assuming they havent fallen to the dark side (again) and joined the sith.
  4. I LIKE GO-TO Im serious, I always wanted to know his story. The only thing I didnt like about him..ok the only TWO things i didnt like about him were 1. he looked too much like the interragator from IV. 2. They never had the droid factory level which I think coulda been usefull.
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