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Everything posted by HungryShark6666

  1. Is this bug still active? Since I saw a Morgiv in one of my deck and tried as hard as I could to avoid him. I managed to get through that scenario without encountering him (I was lucky I was stocking up for the Karzoug battle, so I had enough deck alter items). But now I'm afraid I'll meet him unexpected again.
  2. I'm curious, has anyone managed to do this and beat the great runelord Karzoug with Lem solo on Legendary? It would require a completely thought out deck to try and avoid Karzoug until the end, though I fear that the burying would be too fatal for Lem. If anyone completed that, he/she/it should really deserve a "Lem champion" title.
  3. Device info: - Galaxy Prime Core - Android version: 5.1.1 It's a bit of a shame that this bug still exists and causes trouble. I had in Heroic mode, the three villains left in two locations (all the others were closed off) with 10 blessings left, and failed because Jordimandus decided he didn't want to fight me a single time and kept running back in the deck after killing his monster. When I tried to leave his monster alive, it just reshuffled with Jordimandus in the deck. One time when he summoned a Muck graul, and I decided to give the not killing tactic another try, after hurting my Harsk (the one who encountered Jordimandus), suddenly a Muck graul summoned for Kyra who was also at that location. Merisiel, who was at another location didn't encounter anything. After Kyra killed the Muck graul, the Muck graul attacked Harsk again, and after that Kyra again, and so on until both of them didn't had any cards to play left. After that both Jordimandus and the Muck graul shuffled back in the deck. I can deal with Kyra not healing, spells not recharging or suddenly switching owners, that my summoned zombie loses against a giant gecko and that I can't equip colored dice on Merisiel. However I draw the line at not being able to complete an adventure because the boss keeps reshuffling in the deck. I have completed every adventure at legendary, but I have to give up at heroic on this one since I can't get past Jordimandus. It's a shame, since I really like this game. I hope this problem will get looked into and fixed soon.
  4. Device info: - Galaxy Prime Core - Android version: 5.1.1 I found another minor bug, I think. After beating Heroic Jorgenfist for the first time I wanted to check in the vault about something I wasn't sure off anymore. However when I opened my vault I saw that all the monsters there still had the giant trait. When I checked the gallery, every card was still normal there, and also in the next match I played everything was normal again. That made me question, is this really a bug? Or is this done intentional? Again, this is a very minor thing, and I know there are more important things to be fixed/made. I just thought I inform you about it.
  5. Device info: - Galaxy Prime Core - Android version: 5.1.1 Today I got lucky enough to get a Purple dice from a treasure chest. I bought that treasure chest with gold and haven't bought anything with real money yet. My current party (and only three heroes I have) are Merisiel, Kyra and Harsk. (Placed in that order in my party) When I decided that this dice would fit with Merisiel and I equiped it, I noticed that Merisiel still used the blue dice in the next match. When I opened the party screen it also showed that Merisiel had the blue dice equiped. Every time I reequiped her the purple dice and left the party screen, she would equip the blue dice again. When I tried to equip Kyra or Harsk with the purple dice it worked all fine, and they used the correct dice in the game. I know there are other more important bugs to be fixed right now, then the color of the dice. But this kind of discourages me to buy more dice, since I fear to run into more problems with them.
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