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Posts posted by Fighter

  1. Finished GTA V. It does many things great and many things mediocre. The game world is amazing with the kind of freedom it allows. Unfortunately it is wasted on missions that take no advantage of that freedom and are overall pretty basic. The ending felt rushed and the final mission a breeze that only takes a few minutes. I didn't even realize this was it until the final scene.


    I liked my time with it but it definitely doesn't live up to the monumental sensation that its popularity and sales numbers imply. And I really don't get it when you get a game like Sleeping Dogs selling comparatively little.

  2. Lol. Well, please explain me where i'm wrong. Why killing them is ok, but them killing us is not. I really don't understand that kind of logic. Come into a foreign country, drop bombs on the people daily and then be outraged that these people are fighting back... What exactly did you expect? 



    These are just not words that should come out of your mouth towards a soldier of your country. I don't think anyone can teach you that at this point.

  3. FFS, the Turks were edgy after Syria shot down an unarmed recon plane in 2012,  They also warned the Russians about violating their airspace after Russian Su-30s violated Turkish airspace on October 3rd (and again on October 4th) and then went further and locked up two F-16Cs with missile locks while still in Turkish territory.  And you think this depends on the TURKS behavior?  Maybe if the Russian jets had exercised a little more discretion and steered just a couple of miles south this whole mess would have been avoided. 


    A Russian SU-30 flew into Turkey and locked onto their jets in their airspace. First time I hear about this. But just a guess no one else except for Turkey has confirmed this? Because it sounds like bs.

  4. He's the living proof that Putin is a democrat.


    Yes. And he's just done it again. That kind of attitude common amongst Russian 'liberals' is one reason why Putin is popular. They have no loyalty to their own. The type of people that would put their own soldiers in prison while praising islamist head cutters as freedom fighters because "it's our own fault".

  5. While not excusing their actions by any means, it's interesting how people saying something like that forgetting the fact these pilots were dropping bombs on them in the first place. And i've heard reports that they're not even particularly choosy on who they drop them, militants or civilians. In any case, it's a bit hypocritical to expect these people to act differently. "We're dropping bombs on you, but shooting a pilot is just too much!" Really?


    Wow, just, wow.

  6. Lol. No, it's just that i don't equate people who practice Islam with "islamists". http://pressa.today/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Miting_musulman_v_Moskve_25_janvarja.jpg This is what happenes every year in Moscow, and yet somehow the city is still standing.


    This again. I am from Moscow and there isn't exactly a peaceful coexistence. Ticking bomb.




    This is how much respect they have for local laws.


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