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Everything posted by Advisorcloud

  1. Pretty straightforward. I gathered all the materials for the "Veteran's Maneuver" enchantment for the Saint's War Armor, but it will not allow me to upgrade it anyway. Zip with save game, and output is attached. Eder Armor Bug.zip
  2. What's that, play some more? Don't need to tell me twice!
  3. I finished all the content the backer beta has to offer for the first time. A lot of the bugs I found were already posted, but here are some of the ones I didn't. I can't give save games for all of these unfortunately, but I will attach my system info and describe to the best of my ability what I was doing when the bug occurred. This happened once I finished Plucked Fruit and either rested or exited and reentered the village. The corpse in question is the one floating just off shore, who I believe is the person you implicate in the crime. Missing icon for supplies at the VTC camp. This just happened when I approached and looted the camp. There seemed to be a lot of issues in general with UI flickering/vibrating. This one seemed to have different layers messed up. I found this when holding Tab on the beach encounter near the starting village. In the dungeon when you approach this soul, it has a vision cone in stealth mode for some reason. I saved a game after a fight at the ravine and reloaded later. You can see the missing max health on two party members, and if you mouse over the wounds it gives the proper description, but the UI element is not lit up properly. After completing the broodmother quest, the effect on the necklace has no icon. That's all I have for now. I plan to dive in more to the beta with different characters. I'm really enjoying the game, thanks for all the hard work you're putting into it! DxDiag.txt
  4. Just a little bump confirming that I am also getting this bug!
  5. Here's one on the save game list.
  6. When I go to the windswept shrine encounter, I choose whether to rest at the shrine or pray, but the game automatically exits the encounter before I have time to read the following narration. The encounter remains on the map and I can try again, but I get the same results. As far as I can tell, this happens no matter what variation of choices I use in the encounter before making those decisions. I've attached a zip with my save game, dxdiag, and the output log. deadfire troubleshooting.zip
  7. Some text is improperly formatted when making a barbarian at the start of a new game.
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