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About Chilco

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  1. I agree with this. It seemed strange that Eder's main priority was suddenly to find a woman he hasn't seen in years, someone he apparently has strong feelings for and yet never mentioned in the first game, when his God was stomping around the ocean. And the practice of killing off a woman to serve the story of a male character is over used and tired at this point. I expected a continuation of his conflict with his religion, or maybe a story line that had him confront his racism, and could allow him to grow and learn to let go of his prejudices. It feels like there was so much wasted potential. His personal quest feels like a weak attempt to render him unromancable without a strong argument to back it up. While I was disappointed that Eder was not a romance option, I would have been much more content with that decision if there was a logical, well written explanation for it. I also don't believe his quest gave him much opportunity for growth, if any. It felt to me that he stayed the same throughout, even claiming that he hadn't worked through some of his problems, and might die without having resolved them. It made for a very unsatisfying conclusion.
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