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Lord Mayyn

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Posts posted by Lord Mayyn

  1. i dont know about any of you, but i hated the swoop racing in kotor 2.


    the fact that you had to jump just pissed me off. it took the fun out of it. hell, the first time i was swoop racing in that game, i thought something was wrong cause i couldnt go anywhere after a point. and it was really dark.



    anyone share my hate?

  2. Grevious would most likely still die from Obi-Wan.

    the trade federation wouldnt be destroyed by Anakin.

    But Palpatine wouldnt have an apprentice thats as good. im sure a group of Jedi would stop him at some point. and the reason palpatine let dooku die is because he knew that he would have anakin. he knew that he would be invincible with Anakin. no jedi or sith was as strong as him.


    but order 66.....

    the only reason palpatine gave the order was cause he knew he wouldnt fail. he had Anakin. He was set.



  3. sure. Windu would pwn palpy and all would be well in the galaxy far far away. Black-Purple powah!

    windu would have never found out if anikin didnt tell him ! ! !



    no, but he would have suspected after Palpatine didnt end the war after Grevious was dead.

    ya but i dont think he would of thought he was the sith lord ! ! !



    he would have thought something was up, which would make him find out some more things about him, which might lead to him being the sith lod.



    there needs to be a Star Wars Infinities comic book on this....

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