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About Dhalren

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  • Black Isle Bastard!
  1. I don't really see it as Berath having you over the barrel. It's a simple choice. Do you want to play Pillars of Eternity 2? Accept following Berath. Do you want to see the end credits and play something else? Do not follow Berath. Oh well.
  2. I think this post highlights my biggest disappointing start for any game... ever... here with Pillars of Eternity 2. I make a copy of my PoE 1 character, a Priest of Eothas, and imported my previously saved campaign. I watch the intro. I meet Berath. S/he tells me that Eothas has returned and they don't know his intentions. I respond that I want to find out also. Berath says I have to be their champion. I say no (because I'm a Priest of Eothas). Then I lose the game and get end credits. Not even 20 minutes played. I'm very much not joking. The game is simply over if you don't accept. I literally sighed and closed the game, then went and played Civ: Beyond Earth. I haven't tried again yet with PoE 2. I thought today was going to be an awesome launch, but getting sandbagged into being Berath's champion is a serious downer for me.
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