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About 17243_1556103691

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  1. The topic is 'are ratings getting worse?'. They seem to be, because all of the new ones along with user ratings are lower than ever before.
  2. Are people starting to find out that NWN2 is more a disaster than it is a success? New scores and ratings have been cropping up all over, including the RewiredMind one found here: http://www.rewiredmind.com/review/neverwinternights2 The Metacritic User rating (now an abysmal 4.8 of 10) found here: http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/...erwinternights2http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/...erwinternights2" target="_blank"> http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/...erwinternights2 And the Amazon DVD reviews here http://www.amazon.com/Atari-26503-Neverwin...M/dp/B000E0XX9Q Do these new lower scores coming on the heels of the 1up.com rating http://www.1up.com/do/reviewPage?cId=3155234suggest a decline in player favor for the Neverwinter sequel? Or perhaps just more extensive exploration of the game revealed new faults that were initially assumed to not exist?
  3. Soultief... Guy who bashes NWN2 before it comes out, then buys it and bashes it some more. You could edit all his posts to say "Hi, I
  4. Yeah, that was a definate plus to include in the toolset btw. Hopefully some of poorly designed spells can be changed by a CEP type team where including the changes is more global than just one server for online play.
  5. I never said such a thing. I merely mentioned I work in design. So I have naturally scrutinizing eye. I never said I'm the authority. But for you to lump one side topic about Spell VFX into "I like NWN2's graphics", isn't relevant to what I was discussing. Rift pointed to a thread of people disappointed with some specific spell VFX, not all of them, and not the graphics in general (which I do have some issue with *chiefly the backgrounds looking so good and the characters themelves looking so opaque at times and too bright at other times). We get that you don't care about spell vfx. Thank you for your apathy and willingness to receive whatever is spoonfed to you. I'm simply referring to the thread link that Rift pointed to and interjecting my own opionion about certain buffing effects. "
  6. You were a graphic artist right? I'm an Art Director for a local communications design firm. Certainly you can appreciate the importance of design aesthtic. Sure form follows function, but with no form, function fails to engage. In video games, that's a big deal. IGN PC's less than colorful review of the graphics certainly took into account all of the details that were missing.
  7. Well considering that J.E., I'd just assume see no vfx at all for those lower end ones that stack so many giant glowing circles on you you cant see anything else. Cut thoese out and maybe have room to redo Wail, Implosion, and Issacs Greater Missles Storms.
  8. It's that kind of apathy about game details that starts to erode the standard of video games today. While you may see it as ridiculous, others with a discerning eye do not. These "details" combine to make a game more immersive in the end. Rift is right in that details "Add up".
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