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Everything posted by hellstorm

  1. although the vong could be present in the unknown region it is highly unlikly they would feature in kotor3 as in the newjedi order series it states the vong were defeated by a living planet which the jedi discover and persuade it to come back with them to stop the vong. it is known that the vong sent scout ships past the great barior to look for bases but it had taken them a long time to establish them selves and prepare for the vongs first world ship. only one jedi knew of the vong vedrie and she kept her true identity as a jedi secret as the vong hated the jedi intensly due to their dependence and aptitude for technoligy. although they do let on that they did have a war with a race that used technoligy and only by a being giving them the biotechnoligy did they defeat them. alot is unknown about that region of space for all we know reven may have found a ofshoot of the sith empire or even gone their to look for lost jedi.
  2. i think being ither the exile or reaven as the main charecters to choose from at the beginning but being able to switch between the two of them for certain missions. and you should definatly should keep the party system but you can only take reaven or the exile in the party not boath. i quite like the idea that the old sith empire never died out and that reaven found out that some of them went to the unknown region to escape the first sith war forseeing the doomb of their empire. reaven could have gone their to find vrooks race to get help.
  3. my theory about what reaven found was this. Reavan found out that the old sith empire was not totaly destoryed as the jedi beleived there were some of the sith traveld to the unknown region. I think it likly that some sith went to the unknow region to find worlds they could dominate as their own these sith may have forseen the destruction of the first sith empire and left the temple on melchor v incase any sith with the sith teachings wanted find them. this would exsplain why reaven fell to the darkside as through the darkside knoledge of the sith and sith teachings would become more aparent. somthing like this happens to exarkun in korribon when he takes the path of the darkside he finds he can read ancient sith texts. these sith from the unknown region could be the threat reaven is trying to stop or to prevent by doing a bit of recon work as at the time the exile comes into the picture in kotor 2 the republic is in no fit state to defend itself against another sith onslaght easpecialy as their aint many jedi left. reaven may have gone to seek out alies with force ability like master vrooks race whos homeworld is unknown but seem to have vast knoledge of the force. if boath these theorys come to pass reaven and the exile will need to work together to warn the old republic and search for alies.
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