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Everything posted by Omega01

  1. - Casting any of these does not remove the offhand weapon/shield. - Weapon switch not possible while any of them is active. - After using a Kalakoth's Minor Blights scroll, the weapon does not appear immediately, but with a few seconds delay.
  2. Today I fought a dragon (which I guess is supposed to be somewhat challenging) with a lvl 12 party on veteran; scaling upwards was enabled. I think I paused two or three times to retarget or cast lay on hands, ai handled the rest. Way to easy, I didnt even really do anything, not how it is supposed to be...
  3. Kinda disagree with this point. Chanter is the best class for spamming scrolls in boss fights and high dex obviously helps with that. I actuall really like ranged dps/support chanter. I think its an overall very well designed and interesting class. The main issue I have with chanters is that in an "optimal" party they compete with priests for the support slot and priest is one of these completely overpowered vancian casters
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