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Everything posted by Gryms

  1. Same issue with Gamepass on Windows. The hitbox is screwy and would sometimes sound like i was hitting the container cap. I eventually got it to hit enough to break the first piece. Once inside it was not issue (getting inside the container WAS an issue lol)
  2. I dont understand why a survival game needs tedious activities that dont add anything to the game, in the end its just busy work. Re-equipping items after death is simply tedious when there is no pvp incentive to be quick about picking up your gear and getting back into combat. Drinking, eating, building, these examples are all irrelevant and a completely exaggerated as thats literally what a building survival game is about. Re-equipping gear, an inventory sorting function, using items in storage within range of a crafting bench, these are called QoL improvements and dont detract from the survival element, it just makes it so the game is smoother and less tedious to play. Every survival game i play has these inbuilt or has mods exactly for this and on that note, if people didnt see its usefulness, people wouldnt mod those things. This thread is about patch issues however so lets drop the topic here and put it back to the "bugs"
  3. Seeing the following issues on Windows- Gamepass 1. Same as everyone else, Dew and Mushroom items arent spawning water or food. Both these issues can be worked around 2. Same as others, Acorns no longer spawn . I have tested this and after 4 days in-game they still havent spawned back. This one will become a game breaker as it removed an essential resource in lots of craftables. 3. No Ant Eggs spawning like for others. As far as im aware i have cleaned up all the ants a few times on the map. Unsure if this is still an issue because of all the ants encased in walls and stones around the map. 4. Inventory loss. A slot in the inventory will randomly become invisible/unavailable. When placing something into the slot it disappears if its from a chest, if you move things around in your inventory the slot that cant be used simply shifts places with what ever you move into the slot. I lost 2 stacks of Nectar before i realised 5. Some randomness with Dew drops forming on leaves and staying in the sky, seems like they arent physically attached to grass and thus cannot be dropped. This can likely be checked by scaffolding up and see if it can be interacted with but thats costly just to experiment.
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