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Posts posted by ThatUndeadLegacy

  1. ^ Well I don't wanna start a yes/no argument on that but I guess either I just have been extremely unlucky with pc's I owned or I just don't know how to manage care for a pc. My last gaming pc was in 2015. There's always compatibility issues for me and stuff that needs fixing, thus I banned pc gaming out of my life.


    Like I said, it may just me being unlucky everytime or not caring enough for the pc, but I'd say that would make console gaming a better choice :p The whole which platform is better argument isn't for me though, I think both pc and consoles have compelling benefits to them.

    i did have a problem with sims 3 the other day, but only because Ea is trash. 

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    What... i don't get why console gamers think this, you don't have to do all of that its automatic,  and fixing errors? what i never need to fix errors. 

    they act like pc's are too complicated when children can use them.


    I wonder if it's because they haven't gamed on a PC for a long time? I know that back in the mid nineties I had to go through an arcane procedure to get Mechwarrior 2 to work (it required DX5, but for some reason you had to install DX2 first), and before that there were games that came on multiple floppies and invariable failed to install at least once and often took quite a bit of fiddling to get to work properly.


    But yeah, these days installing a game on a PC is a pretty painless process. That said, each to his own.


    Even when i started gaming in the 2000's it was pretty streamline, now it's as easy as a console, if not easier since you don't have to pay membership fees. 

  3. @Sedrefilos

    I think that's a matter of perspective.The reason I game on console is because of exactly the reason you mentioned: it only serves one purpose; gaming. I did use to play on pc but I got tired of spending so much time fixing errors, getting the right drivers and stuff not being compatible with all games while all I wanted is to just play the game. I guess if you enjoy exploring the technical side of pc's it's fun to fix stuff but not for me.


    Yeah we have mouse and keyboard support for PS4, but no :p

    What... i don't get why console gamers think this, you don't have to do all of that its automatic,  and fixing errors? what i never need to fix errors. 

    they act like pc's are too complicated when children can use them.

  4. Unless Deadfire does terribly I'd be very surprised if Obsidian doesn't do another game set in Eora. Whether that's Pillars 3 or something else depends heavily on whether it makes sense to continue the Watcher's story, since Pillars seems to be the Watcher's series, but I can't see any reason they'd abandon the IP.

    Yeah im glad Obsidian has their own ip and hope they don't abandon it so soon. 

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