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Posts posted by BrotherFerg

  1. Same with me Guard Dog, ice and snow. I'm probably gonna watch gameplay or play games. I finally beat the master below so I'm still pretty excited. It would be a great day to start white march!

  2. I did it! And my party is all full endurance except my main tank took a little damage! I did the scale breaker quest but upon returning to the master she was hostile. So I couldn't get positioning like some videos show. Basically had Aloth spam paralysis and durance spammed maelstrom. So I cheesed but still happy.


    Farted. 5 seconds later the dog whined and ran XD

    My five-month old black cat gets angry and attacks my behind when I fart.

    We have a 5 month old black cat as well. She gets angry when we go anywhere near her litter box

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    Today I created an account on RPG CODEX, I've heard a lot of good things about that place.

    Some people here are active members over there


    Its considered more  " old school and hardcore RPG community  "  and a place where people can speak there minds without too much censorship


    I dont go there  for exactly the reason there is no real enforced moderation so some people are just rude and obnoxious 


    I looked up RPG codex on urban dictionary and this is what it says:


    "The RPG Codex is a forum for butthurt edgy teens who are "too cool for mainstream RPG's". The result is that they spend all their time playing old RPG's (but not that old) whilst slandering new ones (which they still play anyway). They stalk developers and modders such as Tessera and Wesp5 (who are all apparently German for some reason according to them) and have a weird obsession with many Bioware developers who they delve into the personal and private information of. The stalking of Tessera and Wesp5 has continued for 7 years by several insane individuals who use the Codex.

    90% of the posters on the forum could have their own entries on Encyclopedia Dramatica] due to how insane they sound. The Codex also hates the RPG Watch which is actually the real place for sophisticated RPG discussion and not the Codex where you're more likely to find a racist or homophobic thread.


    Once upon a time, the RPG Codex was considered a serious place back when developers from Bethesda and Bioware posted on them but after being threatened with rape (yeah, seriously) by the basement dwellers there, the developers decided they had enough abuse from the neckbeards and blocked off all communications with the 'dex. The result is that the Codex has been butt mad ever since towards Bethesda and Bioware.

    In truth, the Codex is the place you'd want to go if you want to gossip about developers and their private lives because you're a weirdo. Good luck having a civil "sophisticated" debate about an RPG though since most of these idiots try to act like /b/tards but actually come off sounding more retarded.


    The RPG Codex is now the laughing stock of the RPG community and no one takes them seriously anymore."

    • Like 1
  5. We'll be fighting epic sea monsters, scuba diving for exotic treasures, sailing on our own yachthold, epic ship battles, probably equipped with spells that create tsunamis and cyclones, underwater cave exploration, dolphins, joining pirate factions or fighting them, discovering new worlds with exotic aboriginies, genocide, mermaids and mermen, hot but not too humid weather conditions, whales that might be friendly and used to help fight but also shy ones that don't trust you at first, exploring ship wrecks 10 leagues below the surface, potions that let you swim under water for extended periods of time and also mermaids that give you oxygen that could be misconstrued as sexual advances.

    • Like 3
  6. I was really into Empire Earth and Age of Empires. Years later when I discovered Baldurs Gate I was like wow BG is like Age of Empires but it's an RPG. The map screens remind me of the infinity engine. Haven't played an rts in a long time. Probably six or seven years ago I played Age of Empires 3 and had a blast. Years ago I played command and conquer on n64 used to love that game. Maybe I'll fire up AoE3 today.

  7. It is a very interesting time. I thought the right would have sought to inch toward the middle and elect someone like Rubio (if you can consider that middleish). Instead the right has shifted to a more populist platform. I think that many left wing workers have had enough of the Democrats only providing lip service to their gripes with globalization and sought someone that actually addressed outsourcing and jumped on that ship, however unstable it is. I want to say that Trump won't deliver on his harsh critique of globalization, but he's proven me wrong time and time again.


    I am concerned about a new world order that could arise, I think a divided Europe is not good. But I could be wrong. As an American I tend to think that if the EU breaks down that European powers will not cooperate considerably and as time goes on no longer be concerned with the welfare of other Western European countries, especially those on the border with Russia.


    More than not I favor globalization and economic integration as it tends to bring us closer together and war less likely however as we've seen with Greece it does have its risks. It's said that over three hundred million people in developing countries have risen out of poverty because of open economies. Some of the manufacturing jobs that disappeared in the US didn't disappear at all, they just were replaced by automation (I've seen it in my own city). Many people talk like America is a mere shadow of what it once was, but it's not true. Manufacturing has been growing and it even grew during the Great Recession. We like to compare our growth with China, but it would be very rare for a developed country to grow at 6-9% annually. Bill Clinton had a high approval rating when he left office, but was still replaced by Republicans controlling all branches (I think). Sometimes we just need a change.


    Things I think we need to focus on:


    1. Bringing down the total debt. The deficit has been falling since 2011, but spiked again this year. Recessions can be bad as we have experienced, but they are much worse when you are deep in debt and have little resources (or public support) to plug the holes. Another recession will come, probably within the next 10 years and we are almost 20 trillion in debt. I think soon after Trump takes office it will be time to raise the debt ceiling, so hopefully we can come to a solution that is fair for all Americans.


    2. Stagnating incomes. The median income in the US is barely above what it was pre-recession. The minimum wage is still $7.25. I've read that with respect to inflation American incomes have been stagnate since the late 70s-80s (the bottom end). And we have been overtaken by countries that provide more services to their workers/citizens. Maybe we are still adjusting to the service based economy and need to provide more training/awareness in this sector.


    Those are my thoughts. I'm glad that we are having a dialogue in this nation about globalization and its discontents. I credit that to Trump because before him I don't think our leaders took it too serious as there was a time when both Republicans and Democrats were signing free trade agreements.

    • Like 1

    I jjust picked up the quest scale breaker so I'm hoping that turns the tide of the battle coming at this point it's a disaster. I have a maxed out party and Gaze of the -"adragon isn't working. One breath and even my tanks are all red. I really want the adragon scales.


    I believe (though I might be wrong) that the Adra Dragon is immune to petrify. If this is the case it would explain why Gaze isn't working.


    The first thing to note is you need to do something to counteract the Terrified aura the Dragon emits. That's a -20 Accuracy to everyone affected, and the Dragon has high Defences (especially if you're on vanilla PoE which, I believe, you are), so you'll struggle to hit it with anything. Priests have a spell to fix this.


    Secondly, the only person ever getting hit by the breath attack should be your main tank. The rest of your party should be spread out and not in its AoE (in fact I don't think she uses the breath attack against single targets at all).


    Thirdly, you want to try to deal with the non-dragon adds first. It may have been fixed, but it used to be the case that if you hugged the wall going south you could avoid aggroing the Dragon, then when you engage the adds the Dragon would aggro, but she didn't actually come join the fight (she was in the fog of war so perhaps the AI didn't know where you were). This allowed you to kill all the adds, then rebuff your party before attacking the Dragon herself.


    Finally, it's a hard fight, particularly if you don't have the White March expansions, so it might take a few tries. My first time killing her I had got her down to injured with all my party apart from Sagani KO'd. I discovered that the Adra walks slowly, so I was able to kite her with Sagani, taking the occasional shot which would invariably graze or miss. A good 15+ minutes of this later she finally died, not the most heroic win  :biggrin:


    Good luck.


    Thanks for the tips, yeah I tired to take out the mobs to the right but she comes out of the fog and joins in. Im gonna try and eat a lot of food, I've seen some videos where you can stun her or knock her down so I'm gonna try that and have Durance cast some warding spells. Maybe I'll try and keep her distracted by having character kite her while I spam aoes. Still got  my fingers crossed that this scale spell brings down her defense and attack damage.

  9. I know they aren't rpgs but there are two Call of Cthulu games being made right now one by Cyanide studios and another by frogware. No idea when they will be released but I'm looking forward to them.


    Edit: the Call of Cthulu being made by Cyanide Studiod IS an Rpg/investigation game! Not much info has been released yet but there is a website!

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