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Posts posted by molotov.

  1. So it sounds like Obsidian need to change their German and French translators, whilst keeping their Russian and Italian ones (I've heard several people specifically say the Italian localisation was very good).

    It might be because of their use of italian culture, The Vailian Republics already uses a lot of words in intalian so I think that the team was more well prepared for the job.


    I can't give a solid opinion about this because it will be the FIRST time that a CRPG is translated to brazilian portuguese, but... maybe the team that Obsidian hired was a new team or it was their first job with RPG, that counts a LOT, 2 years ago I tried to translate a part of the manual of the engine PW-4168, it was a nightmare, but after 6 months, after having some classes about the combustion system, I had an easy time translating the whole chapter of the fuel system. 

  2. I don't know if I'm the only one, but I really miss the pompous attitude of nobles, and the utter patheticness of beggars in the IE games. In PoE the nobles in Brackenbury acts very polite against the watcher and his bunch of misfits. They either greet you or informs you about the state of the local situation. Even the refugees are very informative in most cases.

    I miss the funny interactions with noble couples in BG 2, and the utter disgust the nobles in BG 1 shows towards you.

    And I feel like Defiancy Bay lacks abit in that aspect. I like the hookers, and drunken sailors tho.


    Dunno, maybe it's just nostalgia. What do you guys think? Would Deadfire gain from some more tweaking?

    The nobles in Defiance Bay are not pompous because of their history, they were simply setlers from the Aedyr Empire. A lot of the nobles in Defiance Bay received the title because of the war, a simple peasant turned noble because of his bravery on the field, others received the tile because of their success in the market, and the ones that were already nobles had to fight alongside peasents, thus creating a strong bond between nobility and common folk -iifc, Lord Reymont - quest, a two story job - is a very arrogant noble and he is not from the Dyrwood.

    I think that the interactions illustrated quite well the Dyrwoodians, a bunch of hard working folk, with a good heart that never says no to a fight.


    What I want is more humour, more funny interactions, after a world of dead babies we need something to laugh...

    • Like 1

    A game that nailed the camping system is Expedition: Conquistador, it was perfect. PoE 2 should introduce some of the mechanics in that game's camping system.

    Can you elaborate? I don't know that game. How did camping work?


    Fenixp did a good job explaining, but he forgot my favourite element.


    If you had any character with a severe injure he would stay out of combat, to treat the injure you had to give that task to any character with a good medic skill, if the injure was severe that character could stay days without fighting and your doctor would spend days trying to heal him. That brought another level of tactic to the game, you had to be cautious in every single combat - you couldn't be reckless with your squishs characters or they would end up with a broken arm.

    BUT you might be thinking, "oh, but that is just for a severe injure? How about a simple cut?", Yes that could happen, but if not treated that could get infected, thus, making it severe. It was an amazing system.


    "Should be pretty obvious" After my last discussion with you - where you just did quotes that just had 20% of what I said and procceded to make a response of just 15% of that 20% - nothing is obvious...


    Oh you mean the discussion where you consistently misrepresented my arguments?


    I am thinking talking to you is a waste of time.


    You do realize that you did the same with me, right? In that discussion you misrepresented my arguments by introducing a MUST that I NEVER wrote in any of my arguments. My comment again: "PoE1 had the perfect party, 3 melees: 1 tank, 1 semi tank, 1 melee dps; 3 ranged characters: 1 healer, 1 dps, 1 dps/support. You could make a party with any of the classes without limitation, with 5 you will have a huge limitation, you will have to choose between 1 semi tank and 1 support/dps, both of them are great for CC  and battlefield control, without them the battlefield will turn into a mess - just like Dragon Age. Please, go back to 6..." Where is the "MUST"? Try looking for it in any of my arguments in that thread.





    Being a hunter is her profession -she clearly stated that - and I think that the game needed to put her in some class, so ranger is the most logical, but what she did in her village was hunting, not being a ranger, Maia Rua is a ranger, she receive the training to be one, including hunting. Maybe Sagani learned how to be a ranger by herself, that is a possibility, but saying that a hunter = ranger is quite wrong, hunting is just one of the many skill that a ranger has.



    So, you said that a she's a ranger by rpg standards, so I have to ask, what are the ranger standards in RPG? They are the same of a hunter?


    And what I'm trying to say is that, she wasn't an explorer like you are trying to label her, she was just a hunter doing her duty, she would have stayed in her village if she didn't got the small stick,

    Hunter / Ranger are not mutually exclusive - Sagani ranges (weeks at a time) on her hunt, requiring beast-mastery (they hunt with the foxes) and survival skills.

    She wouldn't have 'stayed in her village' all the time but rather continued to go on the long hunts, returning periodically (and nothing about a ranger says they don't have a home-base).

    What's her job?  She's a hunter.  Is she also a ranger?  Yes.


    She was one of those nominated to go after Persoq because she had the skills necessary.

    Just because her mission was thrust upon her rather than being of her own choosing makes you like her less?  Isn't that, like 90% of protagonists?


    But I've had enough off-topic for one thread - we can agree to disagree on how awesome Sagani was - and look forward to how good Bonteru might be.


    You didn't adress quite a lot of my arguments... e.g:"So, you said that a she's a ranger by rpg standards, so I have to ask, what are the ranger standards in RPG? They are the same of a hunter?" 

    Of course she wouldn't have stayed at her village she is a hunter, it's part of her job to go on long hunts, but she would never said "hey, family, I want to visit some islands, later!" that has nothing to do with her personality that is why I said she wasn't an explorer, you are making a confusion, she explores because it's part of her profession not because she likes it. Want one example of a companion that does that because he likes? Hiravias. That is why I think that calling her an explorer is a mistake. I've never said that she wasn't a Ranger, I said that she could have leanerd that by herself.


    Yes, we can agree with disagree.


    Bonteru will be awesome, because he LIKES poison, that is already something interesting.

  5. so we're into a semantic argument?

    A ranger is a hunter who ranges far and wide in the wilderness - with added survival skills in general (so Sagani IS a ranger).  If you use a different definition to exclude her then that's your choice.  Are you thinking of 'Park Ranger'? or Aragorn?






    Edit: Compare simple 'hunter' as one who goes into the forest out back and shoots rabbits / deer and is home before dark.

    She's a ranger by RPG standards - and we're playing an RPG.



    You previously stated that Sagani was a hunter, not a ranger, and then in the post I replied to you said "sounds like a hunter to me". Given this it should be pretty obvious what I mean, specifically: what is the ranger that you're claiming Sagani is not.


    That is why I find very strange that a hunter = ranger, ranger is something completely different, ranger, as far as I know, is someone that has a plethora of skills, including: sword fighting, hunting, scouting, herbalism, survival, tracking, beast-mastery, they often have some magic involving nature (binding roots in PoE is an example), they can also be labelled as protectors or guardians and they also can receive military training.


    Being a hunter is her profession -she clearly stated that - and I think that the game needed to put her in some class, so ranger is the most logical, but what she did in her village was hunting, not being a ranger, Maia Rua is a ranger, she receive the training to be one, including hunting. Maybe Sagani learned how to be a ranger by herself, that is a possibility, but saying that a hunter = ranger is quite wrong, hunting is just one of the many skill that a ranger has.



    So, you said that a she's a ranger by rpg standards, so I have to ask, what are the ranger standards in RPG? They are the same of a hunter?


    And what I'm trying to say is that, she wasn't an explorer like you are trying to label her, she was just a hunter doing her duty, she would have stayed in her village if she didn't got the small stick, ****... now that I think about it she is worse than I thought...


    "Should be pretty obvious" After my last discussion with you - where you just did quotes that just had 20% of what I said and procceded to make a response of just 15% of that 20% - nothing is obvious...


  6. Actually, she talks about how she enjoys going on the 'long hunt' and tracking for long periods of time with the animal companions (arctic foxes, of which Itumaak is her favourite as he doesn't back down from a challenge) - sounds like an explorer/ranger to me.



    She shares the first cut of caribou with her sister-hunters, etc, but still looks forward to taking the (moose-)bacon home to the family.  Oh no, she has more than one drive.

    Her view of her current quest changed as time went on - at first it was exciting and an honour, though she had some reservations about leaving the family for too long.  As time wore on, she lost confidence in the likelihood of completing her mission but continued on out of a sense of duty.  She worries about her family, her village and over what to do if/when meeting Persoq.  All of those things you can play on in conversation and influence how her quest ends up.


    So...Sagani is interesting, at least to me.  And she's tough and loyal.  And I wanna pet Itumaak...


    That sounds like a hunter to me...




    If you are interested in a backer portal option to pledge any amount of your choice without a reward, consider dropping a line here. Devs have their eyes on the request and are gauging demand.


    That would be a good option to have. I have more money available, but no rewards I'm interested in.


    You can help the Black Isle Bastards - you can find them in this very forum - or the campaign in the RPG Codex site.

    • Like 2
  8. I liked Sagani.


    I also didn't find the whole 'different for sake of different' criticism of her was done too heavily handed. 

    Not every NPC in my mind has to be larger than life and slightly overly exaggerated in their personality, à la Durance.


    I liked that Sagani was this no-nonsense, sane and low-key hunter on a mission, much as I liked Edér being a straight-forward, down to earth and normal dude. 


    Some people find these types of characters boring, I say there's room for all types. 


    Plus, the lore sets out that dwarves are explorers, so Sagani being a ranger isn't that much of a stretch in my mind.


    Personally... I'd like to see another dwarf who is slightly different or at least has some extra depth or dimension to them assuming they fit the stereotypical mould of drunk, axe-wielding warrior with Scottish accent.

    Sagani was a hunter from her village, not a ranger. In her entire dialogue she didn't said that she liked to explore, she said that it was her duty.

    When you are exploring some place and stop to talk with Kana he will explain some of the lore to you and will, likely, say at the end "shall we investigate?", what Sagani does when you talk to her in a new place? Nothing.

    I don't think that she liked to explore, she didn't show that in her dialogue and her personality was more of a "duty first" than anything else, she really liked her family and is afraid that they will forget - or already forgot - about her, in her dialogues she explain her entire village for you, but she says very little about her adventures, her mind is focused towards her mission and village. So... I really don't know where you got that from.


    My problem with Sagani is that her personality was uninteresting, she basically only talked about her job and family and we already have more than half of the popullation of the real world to talk about that. I get why Obsidian thought it was a good idea, but it's not fun - well Josh appreciates that -, and in PoE1 we desperately need something fun, we live in a world where babies have no souls.


    Edér isn't a normal dude, a normal dude don't have half of his charisma... I don't know where people get that from either.

  9. I think it's only for aesthetic reasons and I appreciate that, anything that makes my character look slightly more badass is fine with me. I had to learn how to dodge in Dark Souls just because I didn't liked to see a shield in my back all the time, before I play any type of game I look the end-game armour sets to see if they are cool, if they aren't I don't buy the game, I think that is why I never played any JRPG...

  10. I suppose there is a limit how many things you can put into game and still have some consumers for that.


    A lot of things had be done, but always just a few mechanic.

    • Using mind powers in conversation (Vampire Bloodlines, Kotor, Witcher)
    • Using spells to interact with surrounding in form of puzzles (Magica, Bioshock, Jedi Knight)
    • Using "magic" to distract guards (Dishonored, SplinterCell, Commandos)
    • Using our powers for our own desire with no regard to fabric of time (Life is Strange)

    In scripted interaction there was some references to our abilities, and i think ciphers got something.

    Using fireball to crush some walls and open passage, or fun of flames to ignite something does not sound to far fetched (there was a video with igniting some barrels)


    It is too much work to implement everywhere, but having a couple of times "use fireball to blow wall" in scripted interaction... not that extreme.

    I completely agree with you. It wold be good if each class had at least 5-10 unique interactions in the game, it's nothing too fancy but it would ad a lot towards the RP elements and to feel unique.


    Some examples:

    Hunters and Druids should have an easy time with animal interactions.

    Fighters should have an easy time doing anything athletic even if the character don't have high might or athletics, their martial training should be enough for that.

    Chanters desperately needs more interactions, such as being able to summon spirits to help with puzzles.


    And more animations, idle animations, sword fighting animations and so on.


    • Like 1

    Yes, there are zerg rush even in hard mode, but I can't entirely disagree with him just because he stated one thing wrong.


    Oh encounter design could certainly be improved, I just find posts like his annoying since it's clear he hasn't played the game since before 2.0, and a lot has improved since then.


    A good example of a well designed encounter in PoE1 is that fight in the elevator in WM II, holy ****, that fight was difficult and it was just because of the design.



    And yet I very much doubt the person you quoted has ever played that encounter, yet he still feels qualified to say "encounter design in PoE is boring".


    He finished the game, isn't he qualified to give his opinion? I understand what you are saying, he didn't experienced the entire game thus he don't have enough knowlodge, but the majority of players don't make more than one playthrought, if that was the feeling that PoE1 gave to him that means something is wrong with the encounter design.

    Don't get me wrong, I loved the combat in PoE1 so I was completely fine with using the same spells over and over again, but I don't think that is very appealing... you can argue that using the same spell over and over again was my choice, yes it was but the game never punished me for it...


    But it doesn't make any sense, you are basically saying that if you want to have a well designed encounter you have to play on PotD?


    No, I'm saying that there definitely are zerg rush encounters on PotD. I honestly can't remember much about lower difficulties because I haven't played on them in a long time.


    Yes, there are zerg rush even in hard mode, but I can't entirely disagree with him just because he stated one thing wrong.


    A good example of a well designed encounter in PoE1 is that fight in the elevator in WM II, holy ****, that fight was difficult and it was just because of the design.


    I played after 2.0 and I have to say, at least in the hard difficult, all I had to do was charging the enemy with my tank, and like I already said to you, I had 0 deaths so far. I'll get a new GPU this year and will play the game in the PoTD diffcult, let's see the difference.


    The difference between Hard and Easy is tiny compared to the difference between Hard and PotD. If you enjoy a challenge then you'll have fun :)


    But it doesn't make any sense... you are basically saying that if I want to have a well designed encounter I have to play on PotD? Because, a challenge encounter and well designed encounter are not, necessarily, the same.


    An ogre in a corridor can be more challeging than 5 powrfull ogres in an open field.

  14. For those curious Avellone only wrote Durance and Grieving Mother, he was not involved in any other writing for Eternity 1.  So he had nothing to do with the main plot, or any major story beats. 


    While Durance was a "good character" he also had nothing to do with the main plot of the game, his reasons for traveling with you are iffy at the absolute best, and when you think about it logically there is no valid reason you would want to bring him along beyond "he is a priest".  The most memorable, and best moments with him, are when other party members are mocking him.  That says a lot.


    Grieving Mother is even worse, she is practically a non character.  She never shows much of any personality, she has no opinion about anything other than Waidwen's Legacy, and there is absolutely no reason at all she should travel with you or you should bring her along.  Her motivation is practically non existent, and her character development even on the best path ends with her only kinda sorta having a personality.  She was a major let down, on all levels.


    I can't help but think that these two characters who have the least interest in your quest, who have the least reasons for being there, and are the most disconnected from the main plot are that way for a reason.  They were written by the same person.  So no, I don't mind that Avellone isn't back for round 2.


    • Like 3
  15. RP wise is a strange choice to make, it wouldn't make any sense if Edér had min constitution, the guy fought in a war and worked in a farm his entire life...

    The only problem I had with the companions was Durance, so damn slow... I actually liked Devil of Caroc attributes, she was an excellent off tank, she saved me in that elevator fight in WM II, she single handed destroyed 4 enemies by herself without any buffs or healling.

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