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Everything posted by FlowingBits

  1. What device type are you on? iPad What version of the OS are you running? iOS 10.1.1 What model is the device? iPad Air 2 What is your PFID#? E138B273729C9669 When using the Revelation Quill you can see all five cards for a second as they unfold. Once opened completely the first card which is all the way to the right of the screen falls off and can not be seen or moved. I can only interact with cards 2-5. This has happened every time I have used the card regardless of location or any other factors.
  2. After about 10 tries I was able to complete it. The problem for me seems to occur when one or more locations are temporarily closed and you defeat the third villain. Instead of the game ending the temporary locations open back up and your characters are prompted to move. I was able to finally pass it last night by making sure that all locations were permanently closed before the final villain battle. Hope that helps.
  3. It happened again and once again my game is stuck. I can only forfeit.
  4. General (For all issues) What device type are you on? iPad What version of the OS are you running? iOS 10.1.1 What model is the device? iPad Air 2 What is your PFID#? E138B273729C9669 Gameplay Is pass & play on? No Is permadeath on? No Story Mode Characters in Party: Valeros, Kyra, Merisil, Ezren Location of each character: Twice all at Ravenous Crypts, once all at Shimmering Veils, once all at Festering Maze Turn Order: Different each time Scenario & Scenario Difficulty. Thassilonian Sins & Normal Difficulty What card was encountered when the issue occurred? Final Villain different each time Did the issue occur on the first explore or a subsequent explore? If subsequent, what card did you last encounter? What was its resolution? Final Villain is encountered and defeated. Game goes to map view and characters are allowed to move. Final play can not be ended. Game must be forfeited to end play. Did other characters aid the check? What did they use to aid it? Yes each time. Multiple variants. Was the encounter a Horde? Final Villain
  5. Just once it would be nice if you release a patch that works. I've beat the scenario Thassilonian Sins four times and each time after I defeat the final villain the game wants my characters to all move to closed locations. Once they all move no characters can end their turns and there is no choice but to forfeit.
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