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About TheChemist30

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    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. When attempting to use Revelation Quill during this scenario, the game gets stuck. After burying the card, confirming action, and selecting the Runewell location, it gets stuck as seen in the attached screenshot. I have to kill the game and relaunch in order to fix it at which point it will be back at the confirm step. If I confirm and select the location again, it gets stuck again.
  2. Platform: Android 7 Device: Nexus 5x When I have music playing the the background (Spotify, specifically) with Pathfinder open, Pathfinder will stop my music when unlocking my phone. NB: I'm using Spotify for my repro steps because that's how I reproduced it. It's highly likely that this will happen with any music app. 1. Open Spotify and start playing music 2. Open Pathfinder. Music will be stopped during app boot. 3. Drag down the top bar and press play on the Spotify app. Music resumes. 4. Lock the phone 5. Unlock the phone The music will stop again. This only started occurring in the latest patch. Prior to this, music would only be stopped on initial boot, not when unlocking the phone or switching tasks.
  3. Platform: Android 7 Device: Nexus 5x When using Major Cure from a hero who is not the active hero, that hero will become the active hero after Major Cure resolves. 1. Have 2 heroes at the same location (Hero A and Hero B) 2. Ensure Hero A has cards in his discard pile 3. Ensure Hero B has Major Cure in his hand 4. Ensure Hero A is the active hero 5. Select Hero B and use Major Cure on Hero A Once Major Cure resolve, Hero B will now be the active player. Using these repro steps, I've been able to reproduce this issue 4/4 times. I have not tested by having Hero B use Major Cure on himself, so I can neither confirm nor deny if the bug occurs in that situation.
  4. Platform: Android 7 Device: Nexus 5x When using the card Wand of Enervation from a hero with the Arcane skill, the player is rolling 2d4 instead of 4+1d4. This is a new bug from this week's patch. 1. Ensure a hero with the Arcane skill has Wand of Enervation in their hand 2. Start a combat encounter 3. Use Wand of Enervation (bury it) The player will be given 2d4 to roll.
  5. Platform: Android 7 Device: Nexus 5x When using the card Major Cure on the same hero that's using the card, the extra 1 card that's supposed to be returned to the caster is not. It plays the animation as if it is being recharged, but no card is actually moved. Repro steps: 1. Have a hero with Major Cure in his hand and at least 6 cards in the discard 2. Cast Major Cure (discard it). Select the caster if necessary 3. Roll the die. Remember the result of the roll As Major Cure resolves, you will see the animation of the first set of cards being returned to the deck. The number of cards remaining in the discard pile will update accordingly and the deck will play the shuffle animation. Next, the animation of a single card being returned to the deck will occur, followed by a shuffle, however, no card will have actually left the discard pile. NB: When casting Major Cure on a different hero, everything works as expected.
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