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darth silion

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About darth silion

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Interests
    kicking a$$ with lightsabers
  1. i really like that movie, god, i wish i could kill them that quick, you own.
  2. i cna't beat it, i'm always on low damage with mira and i can't kill all the mercanaries. any tips? AND HOW DO YOU OPEN THE DOOR TO GET TO THE JEDI?
  3. You forgot darth sion. He's just so evil and cool. how could he not be in the list. " sigh"
  4. i use two lightsabers , a blue in my right hand and a red in my left hand. ise use my personal crystal because thats what my master kreia tells me to use...
  5. i got to the temple right but how do you open the doors, i got to both computers in both security places and opened them but it gave me some thing on the terminal screen. it's for xbox some1 plz help.
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