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Everything posted by Ohmega

  1. Some of my BIG spells are just getting default cancelled by enemies using what seems to be "cinematic" abilities. For example (and mainly), when Woedica's Judge (in the final fight) activates Judge's Sentence. I think there was one or MAYBE two other instances in the game where a cinematic occurs in the middle of a fight and does the same thing but they were much smaller and easier fights. It's not the ability landing or the spell itself but the cinematic interruption that stops spells from having any effect. My character continues to cast the spell when the cinematic starts, the User Interface disappears and my character successfully casts the spell (there's a sound effect as normal) but absolutely nothing happens - it has no effect on the fight and the spell is used up. Now, I don't mind if certain spells have a global, 100% interrupt chance WHEN THEY HIT but this doesn't even seem like that's what's happening due to the spell finishing and being missing from the spell book. The ability doesn't get paused and it isn't just cancelled, instead, it's absolutely wasted. I don't know if this is intended or not (the sound going off makes me think it's a bug more than an intended mechanic) but it made the final fight particularly difficult and it felt like I was losing to something that creates a default-loss scenario - it can't be played around, it can't be anticipated, it can't be prevented and the only way past it is luck (not have a big spell casting at the time it goes off). So, either it's a bug or pretty poor design... While I beat the final battle... I did it without having the Judge's Sentence go off - the AI of Woedica's Judge bugged out or something because of an AoE cast I made, meaning I got to hammer Thaos before the ability was used. Not exactly my idea of an "epic" fight.
  2. My Character got stuck in this Adra stone (http://imgur.com/LBm0WT2). Started combat. She walked behind it/"into it". And then I couldn't move her back outside of the stone.
  3. While I don't think there's MUCH point in the bonus spell talents for levels 1-3... there's also no reason not to have them as options? I mean, on my druid, I've considered picking up the extra level 2 spell talent (over the level 3 spell talent) because there are more situationally useful spells there. On the other hand... a bonus level 4 or 5 spell is a LOT of damage/control (especially for druid/priest) and considering that those talents don't have pre-requisites they're pretty useful given the scope of the game. I expect the bonus 4 and 5 spells will fall off in Pillars of Eternity 2 but are quite strong as the game is currently. Honestly though... it wouldn't be unusual for certain level spell talents to stay relevant - similar to how Mirror Image was ALWAYS useful in BG2 or the sheer difficulty in getting extra level 4 spell slots for mages in BG2. Having said ALL that... I'm also not entirely opposed to some sort of Spell Mastery talent option. I just think it'd be clunky to work in with the passive Spell Mastery progression that characters already get.
  4. I was doing The Old Queen and the New King quest. For some reason... when I walked into an open space area in the North of Galawain's Maw it triggered a fight between Sul and a Lion Clanswoman and a Lioness which was enough to kill Sul and automatically resolve the quest... Here is a screenshot of the battlelog: http://imgur.com/1UAkZOU Screenshot of the quest being resolved already: http://imgur.com/qLqoqS2 Screenshot of my map progress (this is also where the fight started/triggered): http://imgur.com/AuiEdrj I haven't done this part of the game before so I actually still don't know where Sul is in relation to my party. N.B. I quick-saved and restarted the whole game and loaded earlier in the dungeon (right after killing the first Lion mob as you come through the first door) due to game lag. EDIT: Here is where Sul died: http://imgur.com/6IDF6hY Here is the location on the map: http://imgur.com/yzCm1V0 Seems like the wrong location but as I said, this is my first play through so I don't know... I could continue doing the quest as normal it seems - I fought and killed Oernos and the bears - but I'm not sure what other options might have been available with Sul alive.
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