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Everything posted by rtaylor

  1. If this isn't a bug, it's a terrible design decision.
  2. The lack of adventure deck 4 is just embarrassing at this point. I've tried to keep interested in the app, but with progression-destroying bugs and no new content, it's hard. I'm disappointed at how this has tarnished a pretty nice card game.
  3. VER-514-20160701 PFID-1EAFE69CA303574B I can't be sure what I lost, but I know I had a Seoni in progress, because I had already started her over once before the patch and decided I'd do Ezren this time instead.
  4. In quest mode, not all (4 characters now, at most 10 before). In story mode, I have more than that, I think.
  5. Many of my quest mode heroes vanished after the update as well. I kept 3, but I had at least 3 or 4 more. Story mode appeared okay, but I'm now afraid to remove anyone from a party.
  6. Characters not in your current party do not count against the cards available in the current scenario.
  7. Oh, yuck, that's it. I took a different power with my other Merisiel, but I had just advanced that one on this character. Stinks that I lost an interesting card to it.
  8. After using a blessing of Milani in a game (the first time I've done so), I found it missing from my inventory at the end of the game. Don't believe anything in the scenario could have banished it.
  9. The display for Here Comes the Flood says the allies available is equal to the cards added (3x the locations, because each location gets a blessing, an ally, and a snake). However, that's not accurate. 8 sounds like a win for 4 characters. I believe the allies available are 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 0 for the locations an 6 for the cards added, or 15 allies total. And remember, allies that you fail to acquire don't count for either side.
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